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This is a made up Q&A, but if there's something you need to know you can ask on the comments below, I might even include that question and answer here as well.


1. Almost 5 years? How? 

I started working on this Comic around 5 years ago but after that my Patreon started to grow so I worked on this comic mainly on my spare time.
It does have many pages as well 

2. Do you get something out of this?  

Of course, I won't share percentages, but suffice to say that I get the biggest cut,
so buying this Comic does also help me a lot c:
and TGC is a pretty cool place to get Comics as well :D

3. Why is this Comic not a part of the Patreon?

As mentioned before I started this comic as a side project when my Patreon wasn't big enough to provide me of a living... doesn't mean I won't do something like this again...
but certainly not this big…

4. Will I get a digital copy of this Comic (PDF version) 

For what I understand, the PDF file will be delivered (or available) to you some time after the Comic is complete, so, you will have to read the comic on their web first. https://tgcomics.com

This is to avoid piracy. 

I’ll be adding more Q&A as I think of them or people ask them :p
So, feel fee to ask on the Comments below! 




1. What's this Comic is about?
This Comic tells the story of a drifter, Henry, who somehow ends involved with and old order and their unusual ways...
He commited an action considered a sin among them, and for him to survive he will need to play by their rules, even if that will change him forever...
but, who knows...
maybe is his destiny?
PS: The description might sound darker that the Comic really is :p 

2. What kind of subjects and transformations can we expect to see here?
Considering the name some might think there's a supernatural aspect to it, but not really, they will use "normal" means to feminize him, but the order is resourceful, so they'll start by using a realistic bodysuit and some state of the art Mental Reconditioning (hypnosis),
and things will just escalate from there!

This is as much as I'm willing to share about the Comic, but you will be able to find quite a longer description tomorrow on the TGComics site, if you still want to know more, or you can ask in the comments below c:
If the answer contain spoilers, I'll just answer in private 




I look forward to seeing the fruits of your long labors!