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Hey everyone!!!

Quick update!
Most of my work is shared here 1 month earlier than every other place,
and even longer for NSFW stuff
(they are not forever exclusives anymore, but I'm still sharing stuff I made in 2016 :p)

Also, exclusives Comics like the ZOAT are time exclusives for way longer than that

I won't wait that long for works that are related to any kind of current event 

Those events being mainly holidays and game stuff!
I thought i should mention this since we are getting closer to TGS and I really want to make something FFVII related :p 

For holidays what I do is starting working on stuff a month ahead or so, to post them here first, but for game events isn't possible since you don't know really know what's going to be shown. 

That kind of works really help to get more people to join here and other social medias,
but posting those works at the right time is really important

I'll still try to post anything I do, at least 1 day earlier here,
since I really appreciate your support and want to show that somehow :3

Anyway, just wanted to keep things clear,
I might not even find the time to do something for this TGS, who knows :p 

Thanks for your time!



Makes sense to me! I hope you do get a chance to do some TGS stuff.

Kaffeyette Lektor

That makes perfect sense. Publishing Easter or Christmas stuff months away from that time reduces its poignancy. The same goes for art that reacts to current events. People forget about stuff very quickly after things happen, so the cleverness of the art isn't appreciated as much, and riding the wave of hype into something like a popular game or movie release makes the work much more relevant to others as well.