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Hey everyone! 

I know i have changed my mind about this a couple of times already... personally i do like to make the comic releases on "chunks" of pages... or episodic wen possible... mainly because I get more response out of these. 

But, I do have to agree that releasing pages individually, one page per day, gives the impression of more content being made during a month, and at the same time give something to look at more often (many people have mentioned that they like it when getting updates more often, sometimes cheering them up as well) it also builds up some kind of hype wondering what will happen next.

It does make it easier to schedule uploads as well... for instance... is an scene will take 10+ pages, I can upload 7 pages before the month ends to fill the Patreon quota, and immediately keep uploading the rest of the pages at the start of the next month, instead of leaving a scene unconcluded or burning myself out by uploading more pages during one month.

Now, maybe most people do prefer content released on "chunks" instead of having to check the patreon every day for an update... I’m not really sure...

so, please, let me know your thoughts about this on the comments below,
if many people feel strongly against "individual/page per days releases" I might keep the comic updates in "chunks" as i have been doing lately.

On a side note, I know this has been a slow month, just bear with me a little longer, content is coming c: 



My opinion is you should release content however you want. I personally like individual pages and content chunks about equally well for different reasons. Individual pages are much better to see on release with chunks of pages being much more convenient to browse in history. Robust tags helps with ease of use on individual pages, so maybe that would be the way to go based on your reasons for asking about individual page releases.


So my two cents: Yes I do like pages being released individually, as in one page per day. I like the idea of more content to come. But again, it is your own work and you should do whichever makes you more comfortable. Look forward to your next work of art and good luck!

Faye Fatale

I like chunk uploads because they express the full idea of a comic or page set in one go, but the idea of consistent uploads does sound nice. In the end it comes down to what makes you feel better as an artist because if you feel good about what you're producing then it'll probably be leagues better than if you feel like you're trying to beat a deadline all the time.


I think you should upload however you like that leads to the lowest stress.


there are things i like about both... but as a way to provide updates more often, im leaning to individual uploads... it will be around the same amount of content anyway, that shouldn't change


I prefer the comics in chunks as it’s easier to follow the comic that way. Some other comic artists I follow upload one page at a time, and it’s possible to lose track of what’s going on. Would it be possible to somehow give the readers the choice of how they wish to receive the comics?


Perhaps a single additional upload with all pages after completion? I don’t see there being a way (from the Patreon webpage itself) for individuals to see different content delivery split this way.


Both have there good and bad sides. I personally believe you should do whichever you think is best. However if it's going to be a while between uploads, like this month, I would like update posts just so we know things are coming. Much like you've done this month. Just like to see a note evert few days if not an upload. By the way I think your doing a great job!


Individual or chunks, either is good!

Angry Nerd Bird

I like getting individual pages more, personally. It's fun to get more frequent updates, it keeps me more excited about the story!


I kind of prefer getting more updates, it makes me want to come back to the patreon more often. I'm happy with whatever you want to do, but waiting longer for a big chunk is a bit less fun <3


I personally am on patreon every day and would love to get more updates and the individual pages tend to give me more excitement for what’s next but still believe that at the end of the day whatever is healthiest for the artist is best.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I would agree with some previous commenters that you should do what works best for you and makes you more satisfied. If you are feeling more fulfilled or encouraged, or if it's easier for you to do it a certain way, you will probably produce more, be prepared to try different things or new ideas, and progress as an artist, which is better for all of us. Having said that, personally, I prefer big chunks, so I can read full story arcs at once. Best of all for me, and I know this is not possible for you as an artist, especially with big works like Raan's Doll and ZOAT, and especially on a forum like Patreon, I'd prefer getting a whole story at once and reading the whole story in one sitting. Normally, when artists release one page per day, I collect them all without reading them, or wait until I can get them all in one chunk and read the whole story or arc at once. I know that's not how comics normally work, so I don't expect anyone to do that, but I'd like to be able to download the whole story / chapter / arc in one piece after it has all been released in the way that works best for you. Thanks for asking our opinions anyway, even if mine probably isn't very practical.


First, thanks for asking! I really like that you want to make us happy! Second, I'll always support what makes YOU happy. Like others have said above, a happy artist is generally a more productive artists and we all love your production! As for my opinion specifically, I think what you mentioned is best. Both. Uploading individual pages so that we get more updates and can build excitement, but when an arc or chapter is done, an upload of the complete scene. That way those that only like to read the full scene at once can easily catch up. Maybe labels like 'Individual Page' and 'Complete Arc' would help separate these.


good to know that :D sometimes i worry that people could get annoyed by getting notifications and see it's just a writen update instead of some content


Thanks for the feedback! well... for the other comments i have got so far i think people want to see stuff more often, even if is just one page. What I won’t do is to spread one page too far from the next, but i feel comfortable uploading one per day... i think is fast enough and gives the option to wait and read the whole chunk. I'll to communicate this the best way I can, giving an approx. date of wen you could come back to read the whole "chunk" or episode.