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Hey everyone!!!

I wanted to let you know about a few things! :p

So, first!
I was going to update Raan's Doll ep 19 this week, but I changed my mind for 2 reasons...
the first one is that I wanted the release of this episode somewhat close to the next episode (20)... The other reason is that I'm kind of behind the schedule with Ep 20... so at the end I wont be able to upload them close enough as i wanted... but oh well... can't do much about that except pushing ep 19 for the next week.
Also, that means, Next month there will be more Raan'sDoll! :D

Second, wanted to let you all know that PARAMOUR HOTEL, the PDF version is ready, and It will be soon (this month) available for Golden Patreons ($10 tier).
It's the same version than this folder:
but with all the bonuses images included (just realize they are not on the folder, will try to fix that as soon as possible). So... you don't really need this... but if you have ever considered to go for that tier but wanted something more in return, well, you have a good reason now :p 

Note: This should be the final version of this PDF, the only thing I'm missing is a way to add hyperlinks (to my webpages and Patreon)... so, if anyone know how to do this, please let me know c: 

Finally, The ZOAT Happy three Friends Part  2 is getting an updated PDF version as well (The comic it's already ongoing so it's not the final version)
Will try to update Raan's Doll PDF's soon... but those are many files that need to be edited... so, might take some time...)

Anyway, leave you all with this Study I made!
Have a good weekend!

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/BcgVv9R.jpg





Does that mean ZOAT will be not this next month but the month after that?


Yeah, I do want this 2 episodes of Raan Doll to be releases close together, since they go hand by hand. Then i can continue working on other projects.


They do go together so it'll be fun. ^_^ And full moon.


Sounds good Kannel! Can't wait.


This is just lovely, the rest will be worth the wait!


Kannel, I can help with troubleshooting hyperlinks in the PDFs... though it may be easier to talk over email or a Discord DM or something. My Discord tag is “Sylvrwolflol#9556”, if you’d rather communicate via email I’ll share it somewhere less public.


I think you need Acrobat Pro to add links to PDFs. If you have that, it should be fairly easy to do. :)

Kaffeyette Lektor

It worked! 'Sir Mix-A-Lot' would be very happy. As extreme as her proportions are, it still looks very natural, so you've done a great job with her proportions and her pose. The girl is still very pretty. It doesn't look weird. I actually used to train a girl at a gym who was built almost exactly like this, but with much smaller breasts - almost flat-chested. She was very pretty too. Her upper body was very lean and defined, but her butt and thighs were extremely large. She was trying to change that, but it's hard to fight your genes. This reminds me of her.

Andy M

Regarding the hyperlinks, what OS and software have you been using to create the PDFs?


Adobe bridge. I dont have acrobat. Considering getting the whole adobe suite so i upgrade my photoshop as well. Havent looked into it yet


beautiful lips and seductive eyes

Andy M

If you are in a Mac then you can do this with Preview. It’s surprising what you can do with that tool.


Not really. You can annotate with a link in a text box, but it doesn’t save it into the file in a way that allows you to simply click the text and go to the webpage in question. Also Kannel works on PC, so it’s a moot point anyways.