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Hello Everyone!!!
I bring you a new cute little story about this cool tavern! :D
Just out of the oven!

On the last suggestion post many people mentioned Valentine day, that I totally forgot it was coming as usual (I always forget the holydays! u.u) ... so I made this one very quickly :p
Not exactly about Valentine, but fitting anyway i think.

Normally I would give you guys a longer "exclusivity", but this time will be just 2 days since I want this out for Valentine's Day :p

Anyway, hope you enjoy it!

PS1: Special thanks to those who helped with the spellchecking! :D

PS2: Single pages and links below! 

Mirror Links:

Page 01:  https://i.imgur.com/A7W2BeB.jpg
Page 02:  https://i.imgur.com/JcSQMiW.jpg
Page 03:  https://i.imgur.com/nn0JALv.jpg
Page 04:  https://i.imgur.com/nsFGcLe.jpg




And you got yourself another hit! Great job as usual


Lovely as always! 😊


Aww, it’s good to see the bar tender help out. Now I am even more curious about how she ended up here?


Cute comic love everything you do!


So cute. Wish that could happen to me. 😉 Keep up the good work, love.

Lg... life is Good

That is amazing, so cute and romantic, both visually and creatively


One of your best pieces to date. I love it.


Very good

Mark Wicker

Brilliant!...as always


WHew, I will consider this a gift for my long workdays coming up for this holiday :p


Kannel .. I so love how you bring in characters from previous strips. Your work is so well done . You say this is rushed . If that is true your a magician . Thank you and how do you do this exceptional work .. Have a great Valentines Day ... D x


Ah! 10/10 Love it when they end up shorter than the partner. :D :D :D


Gosh, the sexiness of all those outfits!!! Love love love, once again !!

Kaffeyette Lektor

Another great chapter in this series. Give that bartender a raise. This new 'out of his league' girl is delectable. I think you really drew her most beautifully on Page 4. The close-up of her face in top right is amazing, and her eyes are stunning, (although is the bottom of her nose a bit funny?) Her side profile in the bottom left frame is also amazing - very sexy. I love this series. I hope you have time / motivation in future to do more. I'd also be interested to learn more about the bartender and her story.

Odessa Renette

So very cute I love these things they're amazing

Jessica T

So good <3


I absolutely adore this concept! You spoil us Kannel.


Hottt... I love your work! Hope you enjoyed creating it too :)


Kannel . I think you cant get any better and then you do this work .. The story is sublime and the art is exquisite , well done