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I was contacted by Patreon to stop making giveaways since it was agains their rules.
so, this Post is no longer relevant. 

Hey everyone!!!

Last change to this Patreon for next year :p

So, I have always struggled with the idea of the givaway...
I don't really do commissions anymore since I like the freedom of working on my own content. Also, the chances of getting it are slim as best (1 chance out of 369 at this moment)...

On the other side, some of my best one shots comics are a result from a giveaway, and I feel like it works really well as a bonus content for everyone as well since everyone gets to enjoy them.

That being said, I decided to keep the giveaways, but make it more like a collaboration.
First thing, they will be just one shot (one page) comics from now on

something like:

And it won't be a request but a collaboration, meaning that you will suggest something but if don't like the idea I will suggest some changes and so on...
Once the core idea is worked out and all details and descriptions are sent I'll start working on it (I don't send previews just so you know)

So... pretty much how has worked most of the times to be honest, but since I like wen it goes this way I decided to make it the norm... that's pretty much what it is :p 

I hope I let you knew with enough time to change your pledges if you feel so, anyway this change will make effect starting January (next month)

As a side note, but i feel is something i need to keep saying, I'll always discourage people to pledge $10 just for the giveaway (1 chance out of 369 as mentioned before) But if you really want to support my work further or for the extra content (image packs, pdfs, etc...) that's fine and appreciated c: 

PS: This has not happened yet, but right now someone getting the giveaway twice is possible... not sure if this is the right thing to do anyway, some feedback about this would be appreciated 

PS2: Sorry for the long post, more Holiday content coming real soon!!! :D




Me parece genial la idea de colaboración y espero algún día me toque. Feliz Navidad y próspero año nuevo!


Sounds good to me, I really enjoyed working with you on the giveaway I got this last year and still love the result. Also, I’d be fine with you giving someone else a shot if my name came up again anytime soon, that seems fair to me.

Joe Etienne

Another creator that I follow who also does giveaways, has the stipulation that if you've won one in the past year, you aren't eligible, but he's giving away physical sketches and it's usually more based on answering a trivia question.


Love your work and in the new year i still going to support you no change 👌🏻😊😉


Wow is my first time I give you money and I thought of GOLDEN PATREON for bonus drawings. For me a Giveaway is that extra something that makes the reward sparkling.


Sounds good to me.


really, for my givaway, i simply gave Kannel a youtube vid, and vague instructions... he and I Emailed back and forth a couple times, he put his creativeness to it and the sound of music was the result.. Really he did a great job by me... by you all too judging by the results of the comments for that post. It was a fun comic.... many asked for more along that line, I sure wouldnt mind it, but Kannels flexibility impressed me. From a simple contributor, I’d suggest trusting him, and I say such from experience.

Kaffeyette Lektor

I think collaboration is a good idea, because Kannel will know what he wants to draw, what is capable of being done in terms of time, etc., what Patreon will allow, and what more patrons like to see (or don't like to see). If someone can provide an idea or concept, then Kannel can refine it into something that can actually happen. As for the giveaway situation, if you want to make it absolutely fair, then selecting a winner by some random means is best, but if you want to share the giveaways around as a(n infrequent) reward system for higher level patrons, then removing people who have already received rewards from the draw (either for a set time frame or until everyone else at that level has received one) would give everyone else more of chance to be rewarded. Although, I think if some people have a lot of ideas that you like, maybe there should be a 'Suggestion Box' or something like that, so Kannel can receive any ideas that people have that seem exciting.


Cool !