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Hey everyone!
Raan and Sammy are back!

I'm uploading it on a strip format, the whole thing once again!
last time worked ok... thou I'm not sure if you prefer this way or if you prefer to get one page per day... but I'll tackle this on a poll tomorrow

for now, I'm leaving you with this episode!
Hope you enjoy it c:

PS: A little more of Raan's Doll coming this month, because Holidays! :D
PS2: Individual pages on attached file 

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/dNlCUzF.jpg

Comic Database:




Awwww ^°^




Oh my god. I love the way their relationship keeps evolving! It's so wonderful! Keep up the awesome work 😘


Yay! Both for an update, and that this comic ended happily. :)


More Raan's Doll! Best Christmas present ever.


So hawt!


I do prefer the strip format, so glad to see Raan and Sammy again! 😍


Goshhhh YESSS so sexyyy. I can’t stand how much I love this. Already dolled up, Raan wants more and Sam secretly does too.


I love it. And was there a hint that Raan may be taking Sammy soon?! That be so hot! Great job!


Kannel this is one of your best works . I like this so very much . Thank you for this amazing story .


Beautiful and sensual, sooo much looooove in their eyes


Yay! Relationship improving!


OMG I want more. I can not get enough of these two.


That was nice. Its funny how Raan finally called Sam her doll.


I love these two, such a cute couple. I've said it before, it's refreshing to see CD/trans being presented in a normal manner. While I enjoy your other works, it's rare to find any CD/trans comics where the person transitioning isn't being forced into it (either magically or realistically). Rarer still, is where the person transitioning isn't being humiliated for it either. I know some people love humiliation as part of their kinks (I'm partial to it myself) but as someone who has been a CD most of their life and just started transitioning, having stories that present people like us as normal is wonderful and affirming Raan's Doll is a lot like another one of my favourite web comics, Sunstone. In that a subject that is usually presented badly in media, in Sunstone's case BDSM, is shown in a normal and loving manner. Kannel if you ever offer printed books of Raan's Doll, I'll be buying them in an instant :)

Mika W

They are so cute. I love it


Strip format is great for reading on the web, specifically the places you upload that already have formatting for weird resolutions (here, DeviantArt). The problem is that it’s annoying for offline archiving (like say, to your device’s photo album) or gallery sites where images are normally a standard portrait resolution. I think most of us would be happy with you uploading the comics in strip format and including a download link in the other format.


Well the attached zip have the pages individually... guess you can download it on mobile too


It takes a bit more work on mobile, but it can be done. You just need to route it through mega or something similar. The only issue would be with those that aren’t as tech-savvy.


Another great segment as they "feel " their way to an understanding of what they both want.


Can't wait to see what you do next Kannel! :)


Woo! More Raan's Doll!