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Hey everyone!

I changed the Tier names as mentioned on an earlier post, nothing has changed!
Just the names, so, don’t worry about it. If I make any change in the future I will ever let you know with enough time.

Speaking of future, I’ll use this time to get some feedback about the future of this Patreon, particularly in the subject of comics. 

So, it seems many of you liked Paramour Hotel! And I did enjoyed making that comic as well, so I have been thinking how to keep making comics like this one. The problem is that the way this Patreon works doesn’t really fit that format. 

This Patreon was created around Raan’s Doll so it makes sense the episodic nature of it works here, also the Zoat which, even when not episodic, the fact that focus on what’s happening to one character at a time still works here. But for a full long comic, I would want to make and release the whole thing on one go. (as I have done with paramour Hotel, Insta Cosplay, some Halloween specials, etc...) 

Also, I don’t want to keep pushing every other comic back. Even when Paramour Hotel was fun and got a good reception, Raan’s Doll and the Zoat where pushed back for 2 months because of it and I’m sure there are some who weren’t happy about it. 

For a while I considered making a new Patreon account, where I could just focus on making these kind of comics. But not sure if I want to spread the community that way, also that would put a lot more work over my shoulders which isn’t something I really want for next year…

Lately, another idea I like is to create a new “sponsor” tier. Something specific for this goal where those who support it, can be credited on the comic or something like that… beside having access to sketches and sneak peeks , and early access to the final comic.

Could work, but not really sure if the incentives would be enough for people to support that tier (which should be a more expensive one) 

So, I don’t really know…  
I’m looking forward to work on projects like Paramour Hotel next year, so if you have any idea for how to do it, or for incentives for people to be part of this new tier, let me know! 

Just wanted to put this out since is something I have been thinking about and I could use some feedback c: 





I agree that 2 patreon accounts is not the answer. Another level on here might work. I love all your work and I would probably be willing to help support a comic like you where saying if I'm able. Whatever you decide I want you to know we all love your work and thank you for sharing your talent with all of us!


You know I think you’re fantastic Kannel, and I love your work, but I doubt I’d subscribe to 2 accounts... sadly, my time is limited and I live a rather harried life, not to mention the expense. For me at least, I’m fine with the sporadic departure from Raan’s Doll for other projects. Tbh, it kinda makes me appreciate the new panels you accomplish there. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Maybe I’m wrong, but I think how you’re handling this one account is great. If it were my call, I’d keep status quo

Ryuzaki Raven

Deffenetly not the andswere to get another patreon. Another tier might work for it. Ill with out a doupt suport it! You are amasing artist and i love everything you do. Tho my main enjoyment is Raans but thats only becouse i relate to itt. Whatever youll do artwise ill enjoy it. And whatevef you ll diside to do ill suport it 100%

Benjamin Phillipson

To be honest, I think your current system works well. I can only speak for myself, but I just enjoy your art when it comes out, and you have yet to disappoint!


Definitely keen for this higher tier idea :)


the system you have works as you say. A new patreon tier for special projects may be a double edged sword. because you only have so much time in the day that will not change. And creating a tier for supporting the special projects may drive others away. I hate to say it but you may need to focus on specific projects 1 at a time. you just need to pace your self and try to finish a chapter at a time before moving to the next. We do not need you burning out, this is your income source as it were. So pace your self and try to set goal to focus.

Blue Dragon

I love your work. You're definitely my favorite artist of this genre. Since you're asking for input/feedback, I'll chime in with my thoughts. Based on your comments, it seems that the concern you are raising is that you enjoy doing the other comics, but that seems to take time away from the main comic that many of us signed up to support. I have mixed feelings about your proposed solutions. On the one hand, I wish there were more Raan's Doll and less of the other stuff, because the other stuff is kinda mixed with respect to how much I like it. For example, I LOVED Paramour Hotel, but don't really enjoy the ZOAT stuff. I think the main reason is that I like full transformations and the partial/futa stuff, as well as the pregnancy stuff, is a turn off. I know some people really like it, which is fine, it's just not my cup of tea. Contrary to some of the others, I would happily contribute to a pure Raan site and another site if it meant that the Raan site would be updated more frequently. However, it sounds your concern relates more to time rather than money. If that's the case, I'm not sure how creating another tier would fix your concern about being spread to thin.

Kaffeyette Lektor

Sorry. A long one again. I tend to agree with some of the previous comments. If the limitation is time, and you already spend all of the time you can sustainably spend doing your art now, then another page or tier may not help, because you will still only have the same amount of time you can spend doing this. The only difference may be that there may be some parts of your art production process that you can pay someone else to do to save you some time. I’m not sure how your process works exactly, or how long each stage takes, but if there is some part of the production process that takes a lot of time, but doesn’t require much of your artistic input, maybe you can pay someone else to do that part, and you can spend more of your time on the artistic creative process and maybe produce more projects in the same amount of time. I think the main thing is what is sustainable for you? What inspires you and motivates you to do this? What projects keep you interested? If you need to do the other side-projects to keep you happy, motivated and interested in producing art, then you have to do them at some time. It’s not negotiable. If you feel that you are prevented from doing what you want to do, because you have to produce x number of pages of ‘Raan’s Doll’, or ‘The ZOAT’, or anything else, then you will start to hate or resent it, and you won’t want to continue. First of all, you have to work out what balance works for you and spread that proportionally across the time you have available. ‘Raan’s Doll’ and ‘The ZOAT’ may have to happen more slowly, or they won’t happen at all, and that would be tragic for all of us. If there are a large number of your patrons who just want to see ‘Raan’s Doll’, and the other stuff turns them off, and you are losing some of those patrons because of the other side-projects, then maybe you need to have a separate patreon page or tier that just shows ‘Raan’s Doll’. A separate tier seems easier to me than a separate patreon page, but I don’t know how the system works. People may start off just looking at ‘Raan’s Doll’, but after a while they may get curious about the other stuff and upgrade to have a look. It’s easy to change your subscription up and down (I’ve done it a couple of times), and you still only have one transaction happening, which may be financially simpler and have less expenses for you and your patrons. If only a small proportion of your patrons are exclusively interested in ‘Raan’s Doll’, and you need to have more variety in what you do to stay interested, it may not be worthwhile for you in the long run to limit yourself in order to keep only a few people happy. They can see Raan’s Doll somewhere else, just a bit later. If the limitation is money, if making more money will buy you more of your own time to produce your art that you can’t do right now, or it buys you better equipment that lets you do things faster, or it lets you pay someone else to do some of the production stages that you personally don’t really need to do, then a more expensive tier will probably be a huge help, especially if it gives those higher-paying patrons some input into the side-projects you do through polls, suggestions or giveaways. I think ‘Paramour Hotel’ was so well-received because some of the ideas for the story came from polls to your patrons. It would almost be like taking commissions, but only from the list of projects that you want to do. You would still have full artistic control. If you need to do some side-projects like that to keep you motivated, or to give you a regular break from your longer, ongoing stories, or to try new things, then a higher tier would be a good way to do that. In any case, the bottom line is that you need to work out what balance you need between the regular comics and side-projects to keep you happy and motivated to continue doing this. If you get bored or demotivated, then everything stops, and nobody wins. It has to be about you first. Having said that, I love 'Raan's Doll' because I can really relate to it, but I also love 'The ZOAT', because it's crazy. There are no limits. You can really make anything happen in that universe and it can fit, so it's fun and creative and surprising. I also absolutely adore some of the little side projects you've done like 'Paramour Hotel', 'Insta-Cosplay (LOVE Sammy as Power Girl. LOVE)', Girls' Night (and Day) Out', 'True Self Tavern', 'Costume Part Extravaganza', 'Sorority Pledge', 'The Pink Lipstick' and 'Easter Retribution', just to name my absolute favourites.


I do want to make some diferent stuff sometimes... but the way things are now i cant make a comic longer than 16 pages, but that would be working on a tight deadline, and that would be pushing the other comics 2 back months again. I was looking for an alternative to work on something, maybe slowly, behind the scene. now... no one want to put more work for free, thats why i was looking for another way to finance this.


but thats the problem... the way this patreon is set up wont let me make a long comic unless is episodic like raan's doll, or i find a way around like switching characters like the Zoat... pretty much I'm looking for a way around to finance a side project i would be doing behind the scenes. but at a slow pace anywa i dont want to burn myself out either.


I don't know if it's a good idea but for the new tier could be the inclusión of the patreons like a cameo in the cómics? Like charaters un the ground? (Sorry if i spell something wrong)


Welle verything tht needs to be said has been. Kudos, I add myself to agree then. :p


Is there a way to amend the Patreon to allow that, without adding a new tier. Rans Doll is not the main reason I joined your patreon, it actually was all your little stories. Maybe a poll to see how people feel on what they like most?


Well nothing is certain yet. Just ideas. And even if i make a new tier that wouldnt mean the content i make would be exclusive for them. They will just get another incentive. Not my intention to keep content behind a paywall.. except for sneakpeeks, sketches. Previews and that sort of things


I dont really like doing that... it feels weird :p... also it will most likely conflict with an scene


Well the limitation isnt time... more like my patreon schedule. Since people expect around 8 pages a month it makes it not posible or really hard for me to make a , lets say. 16 pages comic. Mostly because i dont like making one page at at time, instead i like to finish all the current pages im working on at the same time. So what im thinking is looking for a way of working on something else behind the scene at the same time.

Blue Dragon

Ah, I think I better understand what you are saying now. I can't speak for anyone else, but I'd probably be willing to pay a bit more. Honestly, the idea of getting credit as a sponsor as an incentive isn't particularly enticing since I prefer to be relatively anonymous.

Blue Dragon

Kaffeyette nailed what I was trying to say with my post. I agree if the limitation is financial, that another tier or separate Patreon makes sense.

Kaffeyette Lektor

OK, that makes things a bit clearer, maybe, but if your time available to produce your pages isn't a limitation, what stops you from doing more side-projects in addition to the regular pages? Is it materialsor access to equipment? Who sets the patreon schedule? Do you set that or does patreon dictate how much you have to produce? I'm just trying to understand so I can be more helpful.