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Hey everyone! 

I wanted to let you know about the changes I'm making on the Patreon Tiers during the next days (most likely next week)

If you don't really want to read this, all you need to know is that

Now, if you need more information, here is some of the reasoning for the changes and a quick description.


Old name Tier > New name Tier

Basic Member > Tip Jar

As the description says right now, this tier is meant for those who don't really care about NSFW or early access content, but want to show some support. You will keep getting early access to some pieces. (not including ongoing/long comics or NSFW content)

Core Member > Early access

This Tier is for those who want access to all the content, Including comics and NSFW in basic jpg format. No High rez, Images packs or PDF's archives.

The reason for the name change is to make a better implementation with Discord, as well as to make the name more descriptive.

Pro-Member > Patreon Hideout

This tier is meant to be kind of a community/social club.

Right now it focus on sharing sketches and sneakpeeks, and to give the chance to vote and send suggestions for future content, but on time I pretend to add some other social features for livestreams (also exclusive access to Discord emojis wen I have enough of them)

Same reason as before for the change of name.

Gold Member > Gold Patreon
(not sure about this title yet, might change in the future)

This is the place to get some of my work on a more collectionist(?) format. 

Right now includes the PDF for The Zoat: Happy Three Friends (Part 1) and the ongoing ZOAT & Raan's Doll Comics, as well as the Artpacks.

And in the near future it will include the PDF for Paramour Hotel. 

I'm falling behind with the Raan's Doll comics since i haven't designed the covers yet...
Not really happy with the old title design to be honest soI want to improve it before making the final covers, and building the final PDF's. Sorry for the delay.

This tier also includes a ticket for the monthly giveaway.


That would be all for now! 

I do have some future changes in consideration, along with some new tiers as well,
but I'll keep those for another Update since I'll be looking for feedback on those topics.
now, you can share your toughts about these specific changes if you want! c: 





Thanks for the update!


If all that's changing is the teir names then it's no skin off my ass.


Well as long as thy are only name changes right now works for me.

Kaffeyette Lektor

Thanks for the explanations. I think the new tier names are much more informative. I'm definitely a, "collectionist," so I'll be sticking where I am, but I'm curious to see how you develop your 'community'. Sounds fun, not that I'll have much time to commune.