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A few new winners were chosen and messages sent!
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And about Giveaways, I realize some people have been really generous with their support along the years, and haven't got to win a Giveaway yet :/

So, I'm considering making a special one, maybe twice a year, including those who have pledge over a certain amount during all these years. Not really sure about the details yet... just an idea... but most likely i will implement it.

More info as soon as I work on the details  

Might do something similar with commissions maybe... we will see...
Anyway, feel free to share your thoughts !




I think doing a special giveaway is a good idea. As that way, you're still rewarding those who while haven't pledged 10$, have still been supporting you for years. Although, I will say, if you do this kind of giveaway, do for people who have pledged below 10$ as well. As a way of saying thank you for the support.


This is very nice idea Kannel!

Kaffeyette Lektor

You could use a reward system where the people who have supported you for longer have more chance of winning a giveaway. For every month someone has supported you, they get a chance or 'ticket' to win a giveaway, and you do a random 'draw' (out of a hat or something). You could do a separate category for each donation amount, with the higher donation amounts getting a more elaborate giveaway, e.g., $3 may get a one-frame drawing, $10 may get a 3-frame mini-comic; or if you only have time to do one prize, each patron could get one ticket per month for $3, 2 for $5, 3 for $10, etc. so if people have donated a lot for a long time, they get more chance to win.


Yeah I dont really want to give me more work xD , so ill stick to 1 per month... I used to made it that way, with diferent tickets for $3, $5 and $10, but didnt felt good... ill rather keep the giveaway exclusive for my top supporters.