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I already have a few ideas on mind, but i would love to hear yours before making the poll!   

So, let me know what would you like to happen with Takemi!  

As usual, suggestions with more likes get more chances to be chosen for the final poll.



I'd like for Takemi to actually find out some information about the ZOAT, but can't take it out until they pleasure the also futa librarian


I'd like to see Takemi find some stacked nerdettes who are totally willing to help Takemi with her long, hard research project, and deal with it all the way from start to finsih. Of course, some of those nerdettes may have throbbing questions of their own. Also the librarian has to get in on it, futa or not.


How about she finds out info about the zone but then accidently opens up a new one on campus.


Takemi makes a whole bunch of new friends in the form of her own coven of nerdly female librarian witches that love all her assets and want to share some of their own with her.

Dov Sherman

There is no book. There is no uncatalogued section. The librarian just wanted to get Takemi alone for a little fun because, "There's no such thing as magic, you silly sexy girl."


Learning some vague details of ZOAT, but nothing concrete; Takemi blows off steam and more with the libarian or another student.


Or they're just normal girls, but want Takemi to satisfy them before they help.


She finds an old book that IS magic, and either she 1) makes things worse, 2) sends another group of friends into the ZOAT by accident (and a new adventure begins) or 3) she ends up creating the very portal that they went through in the first place— full circle.


#2 would make for a great ending to this ZOAT story, opening things up for another potential sequel, if Kannel ever chooses to do another.

Blue Dragon

How about the librarian turns her into a complete girl and has her way with her. :0


I'd like for the librarian to actually be a a demoness from the ZOAT who's had her eye on Takemi for a while and takes this opportunity to get her alone to have her way with Takemi

Morgan Allsing

I’m open to her finding the book, but something goes wrong, either by the librarian being a magical witch and then it’s open for continuation, by it finding another pair of victims


*gasp* The librarian is really... The enchantress from New Order!


Takemi finds the book. It's a real book about real supernatural stuff and is exactly what she needs to start her research... except that she gets interrupted by the librarian and the dude who overheard. They have a rollicking time with her, making her completely forget about the book lying on the floor. Afterwards she notices she's late and races home, forgetting why she even came to the library in the first place.


More bondage


Good... afterwards the Librarian and the Dude read the book and find themself in the ZOAT. Would be a cool side-story.

Morgan Allsing

Tho, she seems nice, so maybe she gets help from a guy who is a warlock and they set off to breaking the curse together

Kaffeyette Lektor

How long do you want this story to be? 1) Shortest version: Takemi finds a spell in a book that can change them all back, but they have to gather artifacts and ingredients from various places, and Karla’s baby, which is actually a baby demon, must be born first before they can return. This can be as simple or complicated as you like. The librarian, who is a bit of a Domme/Switch, requires Takemi to satisfy her desires in order to borrow the book. The boy who witnessed their conversation either watches/films them, or is forced to join in by the librarian. The librarian and this boy become a threesome and help Takemi and her friends to find all of the ingredients and artefacts, which requires them to perform various sexual encounters with a wide range of people, including Shawna's master and mistress. When Karla’s baby is born, its demon parents come to retrieve it and: (a) the demons return everyone to their former lives in thanks, or; (b) the spell is used to force the demons to return everyone to their former lives, but there are some complications or side effects, and they all retain some of the urges and desires of their ZOAT selves. The other possible ending is that Takemi finds a way to save herself and she either (a) chooses to do that and becomes the demon mistress in 'Costume Party Extravaganza', or; (b) chooses to stay in the ZOAT with her new friends and family. I have a couple of more complicated plot ideas that start out in a similar way - the ZOAT concept lets you do anything - but they are already way too long to post here. My posts are always too long.