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Hey everyone...
So, this is something i have been hearing since a couple of weeks...
but seems like it's getting worst... many accounts have been shut down these last days...

Nowdays i have make a living thanks to Patreon so I cannot risk having my account suspended.

Not sure what I'm going  do about this... I could just stop making explicit art or maybe making another account to not risk this one? not really sure yet...

Fortunately I don't really make much explicit content (just a few times wen i feel like) ... so, I will be removing those I have publish here, especially the Zoat uncensored pages and some of the naughtier pieces i have made :p 

If i make any "explicit" version in the future, I won't upload them here, but they will be still included in the rewards.

talking about rewards, they are coming soon! 



Yeah, I got tagged for this. I think the key thing, at least by way of my understanding, is the explicit stuff cannot be publicly view-able. Still waiting to hear back about that.


"We define pornographic material as real people engaging in sexual acts such as masturbation or sexual intercourse on camera." You're probably not in danger, but better safe than sorry


No "almost nudity / nudity" visible for public. This includes your icon, banner and creator feed. If you censor nudity it doesn't help, they don't want to see any nudity. If you consider this there's no risk of suspension. Btw I got a warning too. It looks like they warn you before suspending and give you a few days to fix it. As a heads-up they said, they are working on a age gate and even some already have one (50%) P.S.: "not visible for public" just means you have to put every upload with any sort of nudity on "Patreons only"

Nichole O'Conner

Damn, is there any way to access the stuff you've removed then?


yeah i have been reading the guidelines... maybe the zoat could be took as a bit of rapey? but beside that i should be safe... i hope :p


Damn american bigotry! Do well my fellow artist and worshipped idol!


well so far i just removed the pictures uploaded directly on patreon, but you still have avcces to the outside links or the attached files... still cheking the guidelines... i should be safe with most of my content ... maybe the zoat is a bit risky but not sure :p


yeah that seems to be the biggest problem for them ... i should be safe if thats the case... but better safe than sorry?

Makeshift Razor

It pisses me off that you have to do it to protect your lively hood. Keep making your great stuff I'll be happy seeing them in the rewards!


some people hasnt been warned i think, just some get a warning... but it looks like they give you a chance to make changes, some of them under review are already back. so..isnt an inmediate bann at least


To be the devil's advocate, it isn't Patreon itself, but the people that handle the billing transactions that are requiring this. And, they're requiring it because avoiding risk to the people they have a fiduciary responsibility to is a part of their job requirement. And, it is cheaper to prohibit adult content than to be caught in legal proceedings because somebody broke the law somewhere or sued them and now they require lawyers and investigators and everything else that is needed for them to fight a legal case. And, if they LOSE, they lose what they created and made. Even if all they lose is the company and it's assets, that's years of time, effort, missed trips, money, and labor that you've just essentially flushed away. Does it suck? OH YES, it does. Does this mean that I'll be giving "contributions" to people I like on PayPal (and yes, I know PayPal has issues) if Patreon won't let us support adult content makers? Oh yes.

Violet Farris

What you could do is create a folder on your computer that is separated into multiple folders based on the patreon donation amounts and what they entail. From there you could keep each folder updated and linked to the patreon rewards. That way people cannot simply run across them and report you while also still giving the patrons their rewards


Another atist I am subbed to creates non-explicid pics for the posts via cropping images to sannounce new content and has set up a dropbox with the actual pics, where they send out a new link each month for subscribers.


Looks like you just have to have the explicit stuff flagged as "Adult Content" and only available to patrons not open to all. If i'm reading the guideline correctly.

Kanata Sorami

Patreon is going to loose a lot of artists with this as well as a lot of patrons


yup. shouldn't be such a big problem... but better to pla it safe for a while


the probem is that Patreon never cared to much about artist following the guidelines... so there were many artist who just didnt... but I'm not sure yet how strict they are being about it... just hear some accounts were being suspended for a while... maybe some were banned or deleted? not really sure...


Well that sucks. If you want an alternative there's Maker Support,if you want a back up.


From what I've heard on other Patreons, you just have to keep your public stuff (posts, profile pic, masthead) SFW. Otherwise you should be good.


My idea hmm send youre hot pics a drop box link for all patreons!!


Well glad to hear that from HGC and I hope they don't come after you. Wish you the best with it. We will stick by ya.


Generally, you're safe if you upload graphic images as 'patreon only.' As silly as it sounds, Patreon wants everything publicly available to be child friendly, despite the fact that pages marked as 'adult' are already hidden from searches. What this means, effectively, is that everything with graphic content has to be behind at least a 1 dollar pay wall.


that seems to be the main problem for patreon ... so i had to scroll down like a lot to hide all the suggestive images as "public" ... should be ok now c: