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This post is to let you know that I'm changing the Basic Tier ($1 usd).

Starting next month I will change this tier to a Tipper tier, one for those who want to support my work but not really interested in getting early access or additional content. 

I will keep sharing stuff like single images and sometimes 1 pages comics, but from now on I will keep the early access comics exclusive to Core Patreons (+3 usd) and beyond. 

This tier will also lose the Discord role.

I have been meaning to make this changes for a while, the main reason behind this is because the way it's now, I end uploading the comics twice (or just announcing them twice) which creates fake expectations to the higher tiers who come expecting new content to find just more of the same. Also, just make things more complicated for me since i need to keep track to wen I should re-upload the content for this tier.

I also want to make a clear distinction between Tiers, from the start I planned the Core tier ($3 usd) to be the main one were you get early access to all the content i make here, the Pro tier ($5 usd) is the social one were people get access to sketches, can offer suggestions and vote on the polls, and the Gold tier ($10 usd) the one for the new comers who want access to some older content, especially the nsfw galleries and the pdf's. Or for those who just want to support my work a little more and have the means to do so.

So far the Basic tier has been a weird mix between a Tip tier and a Core tier without access to the nsfw stuff...

I considered just deleting it but i prefer to keep it for those who can't afford a higher one, yet still want access to some early content (as i said I'll keep sharing the single images and some 1 page comics), or for those who just want to spare a dollar with me c: 

About the discord, the main reason I'm taking the role out is because i cannot share the amount of stuff i would like there... (since some content its supposed to be exclusive to higher tiers). To be completely honest I'm thinking about leaving that role just for the Pro and Gold Patreons, but not sure yet, I might end just creating a new Role for them.

Anyway, the Basic Tier can expect for this month Insta-Cosplay: Hey, Cortana! (to be unlocked today) & The Party Fixer earlier next month (short 2 page comic), but after that this tier isn't getting early access to the comics. 

That’s all for now...
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