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the idea is for those of you who want to suggest a last name for any of this characters, you can do it here! 

I pretty much care that it sounds cool more than anything ... :p
but i don't know all the last names so I'm asking in case I see one i like c: 

Raanea (Raan) : her last name should be from easter-Europe
              (from her dad side)

Vanessa (Ness(y)): American name, could be anything i guess...

Arthur (Rory/Robin in Femme) (the one with the bright blue & pink hair):
I imagine him being from West Europe, maybe he came came to america at a young age (England most likely?) 

PS1: About the previous post... I'm kinda leaning for Sam Summers...
but its true it sounds like a marvel comic character :p ... not really sure if i dislike that--- :p

PS2: I might continue this discussion on discord if I'm still unsure about some names




You say Marvel Comic Character as if it were a bad thing. Robin Chevalier? (French) Robin de Boers? (sounds like 'de Boors', Netherlands) Robin o' Maley (Ireland) I prefer the Netherland name, those guys are pretty ... liberal.


Oh but his name is Rory. His name in femme is robin (she doesnt use a last name in that case) (actually his name is Arthur, his friends call him Rory)


Oh with Arthur you could use a German lastname as well like 'Gerber' or 'Rohde' (spoken Ger_bear and Row_dē).


Germany would be best from Berlin, but not southern Germany (like Bavaria). The South is catholic strong and the people aren't pretty accepting (stereotypically)


How about Raanea Krazlin?

Kaffeyette Lektor

Another not-very-short post. ‘Raanea’ may be a variant form of an Islamic/Arabic/Turkish name, ‘Ranya’, which is said to mean ‘winner’, but may also mean ‘rusty’ or ‘to become corroded (of the heart)’. An appropriate Islamic/Arabic/Egyptian surname for the ‘Raan’ character, as an emerging Domme, may be ‘el-Sayed’ or ‘Sayed’, which supposedly comes from Arabic ‘sayyid’, meaning ‘lord’, ‘master’ or ‘chief’. – Rannea el-Sayed – or maybe ‘Habib / Habeeb’, which means ‘beloved’ or ‘friend’ – Raanea Habeeb. ‘Vanessa’ has supposed meanings of ‘butterfly’ or a ‘goddess of an ancient Greek brotherhood’, but the name was made up in the 1800s by writer, John Swift, for his student, Esther Vanhomrigh. It is speculated that it was meant to play on other roots which might mean ‘beloved of God’, or ‘light from a star’. I like this last idea, but the ‘Ness’ character is a ‘dark’ star, who is drawing Raan and Sammy into her dark world, like a black hole. Ness is also a pale-skinned girl, which suggests Celtic/Gaelic or Northern European ancestry, so maybe a surname like ‘Douglas’ (Gaelic - dark water), ‘Duff’ (Gaelic - dark), ‘Dunkel’ (German – dark), ‘Dunn’ (Old English – dark) or ‘Sullivan’ (Irish – descendant of ‘little dark eye’). That makes her a ‘dark butterfly’ or a ‘dark star’ – Vanessa Dunkel - or a butterfly from the darkness - Vanessa von Dunkel - if you like some alliteration. ‘Arthur’ is probably from Welsh – ‘bear king’ and ‘Rory’ is from Gaelic – ‘red king’ (or Rori could be short for Aurora, the Greek goddess of the dawn), which don’t seem to me to describe what we’ve seen of Arthur’s character so far. He said he likes to show-off, and he likes to use bright colours, so maybe his surname could be ‘Peacock’. It’s an English sounding name, and it seems to fit his character – Arthur ‘Rory’ Peacock. What about Shalik/Shanti and Alan/Lina?


Raan Katczinsky which is Polish, although I will admit it's because of Kat. If you want to really be English, Arthur Pendragon :p

Martin Lock

Raanea Rivera would be easy to pronounce. As a name Arthur does seem rather kingly - a bit old-fashioned, which may explain why he goes for Rory, generally. Stewart as a surname, perhaps? Vanessa being a fairly long name, a shorter surname might go well. Is Smythe a bit too English...? Probably a good idea to do a google search of the various names, to make sure there is nobody (slightly) famous already using them!