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This might be weird thing to ask for... but i feel like trying anyway xD

I want to make a BIO for each character of Raan'sDoll, but i never decided a last name for any character, i didn't consider it necessary at the time.
But now i think it could be cool to have the characters a little more defined and i might even use them at some point.

Anyway, I'll focus on Sam on this post, if it works I might do one for Raan and the other characters later. 

About Sam, thats his name (not short for anything), I feel like he should have a classic "american" Last Name... but could be anything.

I said its a weird thing to ask because i don't really know what to expect... but maybe reading different suggestions will help :p




Jones, Anderson, Bales...






I am gonna have to go with Summers on this one.


My feeling is that the last name "Summers" makes Sam's name sound too much like it was given to him by Stan Lee. I would go with something like "Wilson", "Reed", "Bailey" or "Coleman". None are very masculine surnames which suit Sam and his character development.

Violet Farris

I know someone who's last name is Alyce. I think this is pretty fitting because he is going down the rabbit hole with Raan, like Alice went down the rabbit hole to Wonder Land. It's also very effeminate which is something to play with.


Why not Sam Manning, because I admire Chelsea Mannning and it would be a nice form to recognize brave Chelsea!!!


Gamgee (Samwise Gamgee) or Tarly (Samwell Tarly)


Johnson seems pretty regular and he kind of strikes me as a Johnson


My last name Leech...HAHA How Wilson... Good simple but not overly used name

Martin Lock

"Sam Summers" is a bit too superhero-ish, I agree... a relative of Scott Summers? If his first name is so short, and not a full Samuel, a longer last name seems needed - Kennedy, perhaps? And not Sam Antha... ;)


Hopewell maybe?


Sam Blake?

Kaffeyette Lektor

OK, Sorry, I can't ever write a short post. I think it depends how much you want the name to create an image of the character, or to use it in the plot or dialogue. If you want Sam to have a certain cultural background in the story, e.g., Irish, then use a stereotypical name for that culture, like O'Reilly. Scottish - MacDonald. German - Schmidt. Dutch - van der Hoogendoover, or whatever. It doesn't have to be a true name, just one that most people will associate with a certain culture. If you want him to seem like a rural / simple / plain character, so the reader has low expectations, or someone from a low income family, use a simple name like a colour - Black, White, Green - or a country feature - Hill, Fields, Rivers, or a trade occupation - Miller, Cooper, Farmer, Carpenter. If you want him to be from a more wealthy background, maybe a double-barrelled name - Dorrien-Smith, Willoughby-Fitzsimmons. If you want to use his name for puns or satire in the plot, maybe something like Smallwood, Hardman, Daley-Rhyde or Broadmouth or Philcox. If you want people to recognise and accept it immediately, or create an image like someone else, use a name like someone famous - Sammy Davis, Sam Jackson, Sam Beckett, Sam Lacey, Sammy Jessop, Sammy Lee, Sammy Jay, Sammy Fox. If you want a porn-star or superhero comic sounding name for Sammy's sexy time, use alliteration - Sam Sloane, Sam Summers, Sam Stonewell. If you want a name describing his/her character as it will emerge in your story-line (Sammy Spoilers) or as a 'red herring', then maybe choose a name he/she(?) will eventually (fail to) live up to - Sammy Catspaw, Muggins, Victor, Chalmers, Trollop. My favourites, however, would be Chevalier or Beaumont after the Chevalier d'Eon - a famous cross-dressing spy from the 1700's.