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More Raan'sDoll this month!

Full disclosure:
A Giveaway winner used his spot for more Raan'sDoll pages! c:
I dont think I will let that happens again anyway, since its complicated to demostrate that I have actually been working more on these...

anyway... hope you like the new pages!

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/PWuc1WH.jpg

Page 01: https://www.patreon.com/posts/raans-doll-time-18969501
Page 02: https://www.patreon.com/posts/raans-doll-time-18988657
Page 03: https://www.patreon.com/posts/raans-doll-time-19009889

Comic Database:




I love the suspense. So far Sammy has been eager, if shy about changing. Once Raan accepted Sammy's nature she found that she enjoyed it too. More than enjoyed it, embraced it as they both relaxed into their new outward appearance of their unique love. Now Raan (I can't use "she" as they are both "female" now) Has been exposed to another unfamiliar, uncomfortable perhaps, yet stimulating new experience. How submissive does Sammy want to be. How dominant (and thus more responsible) does Raan want to be? She already has a load on her shoulders. Does Sammy lead? Do they rush ahead or, I hope, linger for a while as they gradually embrace each other in their new roles. That would be a terrible teaser and keep us in delicious suspense. Raan, as dominant, will have to be especially attuned to Sammy's feelings and moods and Sammy will have to realize that Raan, although very happy with her Sammy, is eager yet confused about her feelings and unsure of Sammy's feelings Still has to study and work. It's good they have an understanding and loving support group. I promised myself I wouldn't say anything to influence Kannel's wonderful narrative. I can't wait to find out and it could take off in another direction I haven't even dreamed of. Hugs and kisses all <3


Raan's Doll is what made me decide to become a patreon. I love it, and I can't wait to see more of Raan and Sammy's story.