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Back with Raan's Doll! :D
Someone's enjoying the show! 

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/PeqMhZ0.jpg

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She's like a doe deer in the headlights, and it's adorable. :)

Kanata Sorami

I never really understood bdsm


Safe-words exist for a Reason... if NOT Respected or if Ignored by The Top, when activated by the Bottom, then the viewers or participants NEED to to Stop it, and Begin immediate aftercare.


One Person's pain is another person's pleasure, endorphins are a powerful natural body chemical drug, and it hurts so good when it stops... If you have Never Tried It , or never had one, you will never know the feeling. It tis better than Alcohol, Cannabis or nicotine... and many other Street Drugs.


In other words, LIFE Is Pain, anyone who tells you otherwise is selling something...


I sure hope Raan got enough rope 😘


Who is Raan wanting to be? Really looking forward to seeing this play out.


Hmmm, yes I wonder who Raan is identifying with? Maybe she's a switch?


Raymond your right in some ways but its much deeper than pain . Giving or taking control is very heady .. Great Kannel love Raan so much ..


Agreed Belle Ringer Babe ...


Being in danger is exciting. Being in control of the amount of fear a person feels is intoxicating. Trusting the person that endangers you and is “tuned” to your limits and having your trust rewarded can be orgasmic. So can having a submissive trust you that much. I don’t know whether I want to be Raan or Sammy but I love the narrative. Kisses <3