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This it is!
I hope you liked this comic! :D

It was supposed to be shorter, 4-5 pages max...
but i just couln't stopped myself :p

I do have kind of a follow up planned for this... also including his friends
But I really don't know when I'll be have time for this...(Since I want to focus on Raan's Doll, the ZOAT and eventually The New Order)

I have even been considering to commission other artist to help me with this... could be a good idea since there are many posibilities with this Machine c:

but we will see, anyway let me know what you think about this!
and hope you enjoyed this comic! 

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/A3ADmxZ.jpg

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Page 11: https://www.patreon.com/posts/instacosplay-2-17954238
Page 12: https://www.patreon.com/posts/instacosplay-2-17954361 



Daniel Haggarty

I would love to see you and Blackshirtboy do a collaboration!


I love everything about this story mechanic. I could watch dozens ♡

Mika W

I love her look at the end. Awesome :-)


Oooooo somebody’s gonna have a good ass time with that magnum

Andy M

A part 3 when you have time would certainly be appreciated, but priorities 😊


I would love to see something like where someone sees "king arthur" picks it, and gets turned into the female version from the Fate/stay series, and one of the friends offers to "recharge her mana" which in the series is done through sexual contact


i actually want to see what happens to them


As I said the right attachment to make them compatible .. Enjoy Cortana :-)


Kannel you said I hope you enjoy this comic . Kannel your work gets better and better , I am proud to do my little bit to support someone who in my opinion is the best artist I have ever seen doing this art form . The art is fun and sexy and yet thought provoking , so yes I like and carry it on please . Trans rules :-)

Dustin Angle

How much would it cost to see this happen in a 3 page continuation?


if i do it myself you mean? well it wouldn't cost... it would just replace other comic pages for the month ... i try to deliver around 7-8 pages per month... anyway most likely it wouldn't be just 3 pages :p

Dustin Angle

Ah. Man that's a tough choice. I love to see all of your work.


Epilogue please ☹

Kaffeyette Lektor

It would be better to have a nicer ending than that. That last frame is a bit creepy and bordering on sexual assault. Not nice.

prentice barry

is the outfits from the machine lore accurate? because the masterchief's mjolnir armor is supposed to catheterize the wearer both front and back for them to wear it for extended periods of time.

Blue Dragon

Love it!! I'm imagining that the skinsuits being compatible means that Cortana's suit may somehow persuade the wearer's body to respond to sexual contact, even if the wearer initially denies interest (would love to see the person reluctantly give in to lust impulses created by the suit!).


I love her expression in the last page :D Her body language makes me wonder where he's put his hand as well ;)


Loved how much embarrassed sexy girl we got in this Instacosplay. Also, yay for more Raan’s doll and ZOAT!!


Kannel, you never disappoint me. I always get to love your style.


I’d like to help. I’m currently working toward a bachelors in art and animation. I haven’t gotten too deep into digital coloring, but i’d Love to help you commission more of your work... if your interested


uh i dont know... i mean... i dont know your style and you didnt shared any link yo your work... and need to be someone who can make a good work


I don’t have a website or anything. I’d have to DM you some sketches. I’d need some time to get your art style down. I wouldn’t charge you anything, i’d Just help help, for more training and learning purposes. We can discuss outside of the comment section... if you like.


I enjoyed it quite a bit. And OOH New Order


Loved this comic!! I love the insta cosplay series!! :)

Angry Nerd Bird

Hey so I LOVED this sequence. I wanted to make a suggestion (and not about what character to use next). Next time you do an insta-cosplay sequence (if you ever do another) would you consider having the modification include the person's voice? Maybe one of those mechanical limbs goes into the victim's mouth and plants some sort of voice chip in his throat? So that the target explicitly sounds like the character they're forced to cosplay, in addition to looking just like them. It's just a thought.


Did my brain make it up, or was their another version of this comic with slightly more risque clothing?


mmmh... no idea how it could be more risque than this :p not really, this is the only version