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Cosplaying in Public time!

mirror: https://i.imgur.com/k12EphK.jpg

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This is why I love your work. Makes me wish it were true


OHH Would so be in that Cos in a flash , slutty YES PLEASE !!!!


So, quick question- how does the crossplay option work vs selecting a costume meant for the opposite gender under cosplay? So far we've only seen the latter in practice.

Angry Nerd Bird

This is a fantastic sequence! Is it finished, now?

Kaffeyette Lektor

I love the way you tied in the other sequences by using Raan and the other shared characters. So, in the Insta-Cosplay timeline, was this Cortana costume the motivation for Raan choosing Powergirl for Sammy? Beautiful artwork and clever twist with Raan. I love it.

Werner Pörner

Can you please make one with Kim possibles mom?

Fang king

Any chance we can get the other guy to be Kerrigan from SC2?

Kanata Sorami

If I were there i'd make him a deal that if he pretended to e my girlfriend for that day of the con, i'd wear whatever suit he picked and be his girlfriend for the rest of the con. He's just so hot XD


My favorite part of this is the girl in the middle panel excited to try the machine out.