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Just wanted to let you know that im currently working
on some content full time ! Thas why i haven't been able to upload
much these weeks.

Anyway, you can expect some updates as we get closer to Halloween! :D 

Anyway im uploading Raan's Doll Ep 8 on strip format for $1 Patreons now! :D



The way I see love, is when you put that extra time and effort in it comes out even better than what you may have settled on. On that note, having said that, I personally cannot wait to see all the beautiful works you have in store for us. Much respect and love😘

Nichole O'Conner

Exciting! :D Looking forward to it.


Kannel, as one of your Junkies, I can say honestly, that we of course accept your reasons, buuuut: "Why aren't you posting Raan 'n Sammy... Where is our Raan 'n Sammy?!" ... "Come on! Post some Raan 'n Sam! For ussss!" ... "Yeeeees!!! We wanna see Raan 'n Sammy!!! :-D :-D :-D (just an homage ;) )


See, I understand why you're not uploading rn, and I appreciate that you keep us updated on the status of your content. But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it! WE NEED MOAR DAMMIT YOU'RE THE BEST TG ARTIST IN THE WEST


Thats alright I understand, we know quality takes time.