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Hey everyone!
So, I made a Discord channel!

The idea is to have a place to hung-up, chat, and share art and stuff!!!

Also, I will announce streams and post some updates there!
(I will keep doing the same here, so don't worry about that.
but for some it might be easier to check updates on Discord)

Also, If you want the Patreon's role on Discord, all you got to do is to go to seetings > account and check the connect to Discord option.

The roles doesn't do anything yet, beside giving your name a cool orange color :p ... but eventually It might do somehing C:

Hope to see you there! :D



The link expired already


Sounds cool, I'll give it a look after work :D


<a href="https://discord.gg/znPmUq" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/znPmUq</a> new link c: