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Hey everyone!!!

So... I noticed there was a lack of NSFW stuff last month :p
I was thinking I could do some this month !

Let me know your Ideas below! 

- just one suggestion per person!
- consider these suggestions are for single images or some very short and simple sequence.
- No more than 2 characters (ideally just one)
- No porn, just lews!/Nudes
- I'll pic the ideas I like more, but you can always vote on your favorites just in case. :p
- ONE of the suggestions will be picked randomly, this is part of the new PRO Giveaway method i'll be using from now on! So your suggestion has the chance to be picked inmediately!

Looking forward to read your suggestions
Have Fun!

Edit 1: Just in case, these are suggestions... means i wont necessarily take them exactly as you offer them to me, most likely i will make a few changes or even mix them with another suggestions. It's not a request that's what i mean (except for the one picked randomly)  

Deadline: Saturday 9th, 24hrs pst.



Are OCs okay?


Shadow Queen Princess Peach. I just love her design!


mmmh... less chances to be picked to be honest, since i would preffer to do something original. but you still have the chance for your suggestion to be picked randomly.


What about a milf CEO posing for a swimsuit calendar for her company?


A before and after pic of a surprised looking Colossus turned into a girl.

Crazy sam10

Some guy trying to make himself more sexy via a spell book. However due to dust or something hadn't realised he's got the females version. Hilarity ensures.


A new girl holding her old wiener-turned-dildo in a mirror reflection


How about a Batman and Joker one shot in which the Joker uses a new form of gas that transforms Batman into a sex starved bimbo and the Joker keeps the new Bat-bimbo as a slave.


Doing a female brok or James from pokemon, brok being the pewter gym leader

A cooper

Guy orders a girly beer/drink and morphs into the type of person who would drink that drink

Makeshift Razor

A knight in armor. (Male, female, masculine, feminine, whatever)


Guy becomes his female mmo character. (May favorite would be a miqo'te from FFXIV)


A guy playing a video game and when he logs out, he suddenly has transformed into a sexy game character. ( hold common, so that the suggestion can be easily mixed)

Alice Tag

More sneak peeks at the "possible far future" of Sammy/Raan, pref. with loads of bondage.

John Smith

Two men changed into pregnant women, with news in the background warning about the strange occurrence sweeping the globe...

Daniel Haggarty

POV mirror with before, during, and after TF results. Sexy maid or goth theme?


Perhaps a tough looking dude trying to be Han Solo and a witch or gypsy transforms him into sexy slave Leia from Return of the Jedi! :)


In all seriousness guys are allowed to drink fruity drinks, they taste really good!


A TS ogre, green in color muscular, well hung carrying a battle axe


A tall, thin, bunny woman with a penis. Bunny nose, teeth, ears, and tail, but no body hair. Looking back at the audience with a tired, seductive kind of look.


I'd like to see Raan pregnant. Or the two of them with their kids 'after' Sammy's transition.


Female Jon Snow in one of Daenerys's dresses!


Oooh I like this one. In Winterfell, all Stark banner are partially covered by Targaryan banners, both Danaerys and Feminized Jon Show (with big tits but can see bulge in her panties) are in the Stark's great hall. John Snow is bend over the table, her hands are tied behind her back and was collared, she was wearing skimpy outfit, with Stark wolf sigil on it. Daenerys holding John Snow's leash, forcing John Show to bend over the table, saying "I prefer you to bend your ass and show me your sweet ass" or something like that. Sansa and Arya both giggling behind.


post-op Sammy in sexy lingerie, with Raan doing naughty things to her ; )


Fairie queen transforming a hitchhiker via some very special paint

Werner Pörner

please transform bonnie rokwaller into dr. ann posible. i think its a great idea


Witch transforming the boy that saved her life into her new female trainee.