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WINNER:  1. Karla’s Ex, 60 votes.

related post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/karlas-dream-3-14047240

Hey everyone!
So i read all the suggestions and came up with 5 choices!
(sometimes mixing or making some few changes to them) 

Just one thing to have in mind, the Zoat makes it so no one find strange that a woman with bunnyears is walking around, is not that they wont notice them, the just don't find it strange, some might even like them. just wanted to make that clear

anyway, here are the 5 options that I came up with! Now is your turn to decide who'll be Karla's Dream Daddy! 


1. Karla’s Ex, she was turned into a Handsome Guy by the Zoat (for no apparent reason as had happened many times before) but in her case she kept her lady parts. She left college and she is struggling finding a way to earn a living while still trying to adapt to her new form. She will feel something familiar about Karla, a strange connection… and so will Karla.   

2. A “manly”  futa, she used to be a famous athlete until the Zoat “punished her” because of her very dominant behavior and mistreat of her fellow teammates. Forced to retire because of her not technically being “a woman” anymore, she expend her time enjoying herself with the riches she manage to earn. She likes being the boss and be the dominant on a relationship, and she has a kinky side.

3. Another Victim of the Zoat, this young guy used to be a very powerful business man until some day he waked up as his young self. At first he thought it was a good thing until he realized no one recognized him and was even called crazy after claiming being his old self. Now he is living as a college student (maybe he know Takemi), hating his life as an adolescent (special his urges of puberty) he is just looking forward to get his power and status back. He just can’t relate with young girls… so he does have a preference for older women. (aka milfs)

4. And older man, a professor and initiated on the occult arts he notice Karla’s strange aura and consider to study her (and her daughters). He is not a bad person and he might even like Karla. But that won’t stop him to use her (and maybe even her daughters) as study subjects (aka guinea pigs) 

5. A Normal guy, around the same age than Karla, he lost her wife years ago and now he feels is about time to find a new partner (encouraged by his teenage son). Decent to the eye, strict but caring. He has a steady job and he will do his best to provide to his family.  

Deadline: Thursday 24hrs pst time



I vote for the dominat futa




why did so many pepole jump on the "guy" option..