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I have try this quite a lot...
facebook didnt really worked for me...

livestreams... not really...
I apreciate those who goes there... sometimes its really fun...
but most times.. no one talks there---
its just me painting and doing nothing...pretty boring...

so..i dont know... any other place you engage?
i havent made an instagram since thats so mainstream i doubt much people would follow it...

and the tumblr one isnt really a plaace to engage with people... i just post stuff there...

anway...this is just apost in case im missing a good place to share my work
or maybe im just doing something wrong

let me know


Sonic Sophie

I've been the same for quite some time not sure which direction to go. I've done FB done Instagram, do Tumblr but my main one is still DA for me at least. But I have noticed that less and less people interact. I remember when I would post a journal and be guaranteed at least half a dozen responses these days I'm lucky if I get one... if you find something let me know hun xxx


One idea might be a discord server. You can share artworks to a close group with direct interaction via chat


Im on a few servers which belongs to specific artists. They share artworks, sketches or techniques with the followers or doing some smalltalk. The advantage is that it's not only a live chat like at Picarto.tv. People can also reply later to discussions


DA's the best for feedback and galleries. For the chat, I see what you mean... streaming often and spreading the word is the only way to bring enough people in to keep the chat alive. Playing music or a podcast also helps!


I love your livestreams and I also write. Unfortunately I often miss them because we are informed just the time you give the live stream. How about informing two days in advance?


not many people engage these days... kinda sucks... since i want to do that, but not many people appear anyways


Hey Kannel, don't worry about that. I think on the average there are 1% of followers/patrons who engage the most? And of course they would have to be online or have time to engage in livestreams etc. So no, I don't think the fault is with you. Most people just don't have the time to be really active. PS: Pls moar boobs and preggers :P

Nichole O'Conner

I really don't know honestly... I feel kind of bad, because I follow your art and have for years but I very rarely engage. It's hard to have the time to do it in a live setting, but I should at least try to leave comments more. I don't know if any other avenue would work better for you, engagement-wise :/

Alice Tag

Discord and Twitter is where I see most of the interaction at the moment, but they are more for "in the moment" things. Longform, DA is probably still king since there are galleries to browse.


Kannel I'm sorry to hear that this is going on. DA for sure the other sites are starting to die down in popularity. Just a couple of weeks ago my nephew told me the reason he didn't accept my f/r was because fb is for old ppl. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that most of the younger crowd is waiting for the next big social site to pop up. This is a hard environment to find groups to chat and get constructive criticism but don't give up. 😶 sorry I'm not so active here either I just don't know what to say usually. I do really appreciate the hard work and exorbitant amounts of effort you put in to all of your beautiful works. Especially Raan's Doll. It has given me perspective and courage to stop running from my scars and face them. So again THANK YOU so much for making so many beautiful works.


Hmm... this is an interesting situation. In the Picarto streams so much is happening right away that people might not comment because they think they won't be heard. I know I've held back in the past because I didn't want to look foolish. DeviantArt allows you to comment and send notes, but that still feels very disconnected from the user you're trying to contact. I think a Discord server is the best way to go, I follow one for a trans artist and like notifications can be set on there fairly easily so if someone @'s you you can get a notification while you're eating a sandwich and watching TV that a new conversation is starting. It's less comments like DA, more like a personal mobile chatroom. I'd say that's the best way to communicate with fans, just make a discord server and attach the room code to each new pic so that more and more people can discuss your work.

Andy M

While I know it may be a little too mainstream, there is also YouTube, which allows you to do live streaming. BTW I will admit that I often find out too late to watch, but then again the creative edge doesn't necessarily allow for too much planning?

Abryssle (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 13:44:20 ありがとうございます。 検討してみます。
2017-09-02 18:01:25 Honestly, I at least personally most engage with creators when they make a Discord server for their work, so if you've never given that a try, that would be one option. Sorry to hear you've not gotten to feel the appreciation of your audience as much as is proper!

Honestly, I at least personally most engage with creators when they make a Discord server for their work, so if you've never given that a try, that would be one option. Sorry to hear you've not gotten to feel the appreciation of your audience as much as is proper!


I just joined. I'd love to watch you create. But, knowing who I am, I'd worry that shouting out while the creative process was going on would be like screaming at a golf putt. I'm not sure I'd want to interrupt the flow of things. So maybe it's just a case of, "Seed some chatty cathy's in your live streams so that people know that chat isn't just accepted, it's desired?


Apologies for the quietness, when i first join patreon, i kinda like to engage in post. especially seeing you in my inbox. The platform feel so new! After some month, i kinda forget to check patreon inbox, and pay more attention to work inbox... thus less engagement on patreon... Talking about interactive engagement on live stream ... there is not much way around it. It was very fun and nice to see your comic, but not very fun to see people draw... especially when EVERYBODY is busy. I personally like to see gameplay highlights on youtube only. Even big company like BLIZZARD has this problem. they keep saying overwatch is not an interesting game to watch. it might be different than engagement, but i think the idea is similar.


Sorry about not being more active in the community. I came because I like your art. I guess I don't post comments that often on patreon. That and sometimes I'm busy when a livestream comes up. I think your work is great and hope you do well. Sorry that I'm not that active again. I can try be more active if you want.


I understand that, not everyone need to be active... I was just asking if there was a better place since picarto isn't working


My toughts exactly... wen I stream i have the impression than everyone is afk so i don't feel like talking as well...


Yeah ... well chat is always something nice wen its among watchers... but the thing about the streams is that im working on something so i cannot really chat much... thats why im looking for something diferent to the streams since i think they just wont work anymore...


interesting... i wasnt aware people used discord like that ... i will take a look into it


thank you for your words :D and yeah i got bored of fb as well :p much drama (specially from me)


but im prett sure not many people use twiter for fetish/nsfw stuff--- Im curious about discord, many are mentioning it


thats ok, not everyone need to engage... but looking for a place where you can if you feel like c: the streams werent working


xDDD yeah thats the problem with streams... the few times i got a good amount of people there, it was fun. but most times everyone is afk so its boring for me.


I don't really want to do that ... I like to stream wen i want to... mostly because wen i stream i cannot really do other stuff... like watching other streams lol

