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Congratz Nana <3

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That is so awesome. I hope she shares her falsies with Sammy


I wasn't sure if that "oh my god" was excited or frustrated. Happy to learn it was the former. 😄


Sorry to keep saying , I so know that moment . Was the most scary moment of my life . It was also one of the happiest . You hate that look as you break the news you will forever now be her . You have to change though , please Kannel make Sammy's life so wonderful . xx

Joe Etienne

I know it isn't the same, but I recently came out to several of my friends as genderfluid, and it was terrifying, and so gratifying to know that they supported me.


Awesome!! Really cool step to take in the story. A bit of foreshadowing? And I am soooooo happy to see how much this comic means to the people who are commenting. If Kannel wants to keep the comic as it is, then that's Kannel's decision. But honestly, I think this is the sort of story the world needs more exposure to right now.


Just the looks on their faces in the last panel &lt;3