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Hey everyone, and happy  New Release Monday! Today is part 3 (and the final part) of my massive Gothic Village map.

This new release covers the upper levels of the various buildings, including the 2nd floors and attic levels (for those buildings with them). I've also included the upper levels of Death House as an alternate variant so you can choose to run this with or without Death House within this Gothic Village. 

Also, to keep things all in one place and easy to access, for this launch, due to the massive number of files, I've included them all in a Google Drive link instead of the traditional .zip files (The link is below). 

Thank you for your patience with me as I worked through what was probably one of the most challenging maps I've ever tackled. This was the largest interior/exterior village map I've ever done, including 27 painstakingly detailed interiors. The logistics of aligning the upper / lower roofs as well as the stairs and building placement was a good part of the challage but also it was important to me that each building made sense, and felt lived in. No matter which house you expose to your players, I wanted the visuals to all tell their own little stories, especially the raven keeper's tower and the person in the central tower attic practicing their knife throwing skills at a tiny vampire puppet (along with keeping holy water and sharp wooden stakes!).

What you will find in this new release is the following:

  • Ten buildings with a 2nd floor along with the 2nd floor Death House Variant
  • Four buildings with attic levels along with the 3rd floor Death House Variant
  • 4th floor Death House variant (only Death House has four floors in this town)

I've placed all of the files together in a single Google drive, which includes all the floors and exterior versions. 

You can download this full pack here.  

For my Champion Tier patrons, I have included the following:

  • Exterior, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor and 4th floor (only Death House has a 4th floor)
  • 8 Color Moods
  • Rain & Fog variants
  • With & Without Death House
  • Grid & No Grid
  • No Light Versions
  • 8k & 4k Resolution
  • Jpg & Webp file types
  • VTT Sizing guide

Up next, I'll be working on Kester's Leathergoods from my Saltmarsh series. This will include two buildings; one for the tanning process and the other which will act both as a shop and house for Kester. 

After this project, I plan to hit Mad Mary's home and the restored Burgomaster's Manor from the Interactive Tome of Strahd series of maps. 

It'll be a month of buildings for March! It'll be an exhausting challenge for sure, but I'm up to the task. Looking forward to sharing this month's work with you all.

As always, thank you for your continued support!


DM Andy



Giannis Laliotis

Hi Andy. While having variety is a good thing, do we really need all these color variations? I don't see any need to have both overcast and gloomy for example. Gloomy is like Overcast but with darkness cranked up. The sizes of these downloads have ballooned to immense size. 3 to 4 variations of the significantly "different" colors should suffice. E.g. Natural/Ghostly/Hope. Perhaps something to consider for a poll to get a feeling of other patrons on this.


Thank you so much for your valuable feedback! I don't get a lot of it, so it's always welcome. I agree; overcast and gloomy are pretty close to each other and could probably just use the gloomy color variation as the overcast version. I do like to give variety in order for my maps to be more flexible in various campaigns and also individual preference. With this particular release, it was massive only because the village itself had 4 core maps (roof, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor) then I did that all over again with the Death House variants so there were I think 9 core map versions. Then multiply that by 8 plus weather options and it was a beast. I definitely need to scale back on the amount of variants I think for huge release like future city maps for sure because this one almost broke me haha :) Again, really appreciate your feedback and letting me know your thoughts on the color variations!

Jason Cavanaugh

Hello Andy, Recent subscriber here trying to figure out what I do or don't need to get ready for a PK CoS campaign. I really look forward to seeing your maps in Foundry, but I was wondering if you could answer a question about this particular release? What maps from the "Dark Fantasy - Gothic Village" collection is this release intended to replace? Thank you very much. :)


Hi Jason and welcome to the community!! Thank you so much for your support and I'm excited for your CoS journey. One of the best campaigns in my opinion :) Regarding this map, this is an updated version of my Village of Barovia (Using a more generic naming convention so I don't accidentally tread any IP issues). However, it's not a 1 for 1 remake. This map features the easter side of the city and gives you a Gothic cityscape that you can use for any encounters you might have planned in the city. I'm working on re-doing each key location next (with Mad Mary's coming out Monday), and eventually, I'll have each key location updated (Church, Blood on the Vine, Bildrath, etc) as its own map. Hoping that helps!