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Hey everyone, and Happy New Release Monday! Today, I have a pretty large release for you. If you recall my Gothic Village map (Inspired by The Village of Barovia) a while back, I only had the exterior version available. 

I've been working diligently over the last few weeks to create this beast of a map with all 27 interiors fully mapped out! Due to the sheer size and volume of work on these interior maps (interiors always take me the longest), I only have the 1st floor in this release, but I will be working on the upper levels as a future release to round out this large village map with fully flushed out and detailed interiors. 

If you missed the original map, you can find that release here

For this map, I have worked on all of the 1st floor interior locations for each of the full buildings featured on the exterior version. I did not map out the interiors of the partial buildings on the side as I thought it would be a little awkward when using a VTT to have a partial building. However, I think you'll find plenty of options to place encounters (combat, social, exploration, and more). 

Additionally, when I was creating this map, I rolled on the table found in the CoS module section for the Village of Barovia to see what contents would be featured in each house. This should give you a similar feel of dreariness and despair that is the Village of Barovia, with many houses abandoned due to the walking dead or infested with swarms of rats. 


I've included the following variants with these maps:

  • 8 Color Moods
  • No Light variant
  • Fog & Rain options
  • Version with & without Death House (I will include the upper levels when I finish the next phase of the map) 

For my Champion Tier patrons, you get the following in this map release: 

  • 4k & 8k Resolution
  • Grid & NoGrid
  • Optional Death House variant
  • Fog & Rain options
  • No Light options
  • 8 Color Moods
  • Jpg & Webp file types
  • VTT Sizing guide

As this map took me over two weeks to build, I wanted to pivot to something else before finishing up the upper floors. Next up, I'll be working on a Dark Forest map with a large gnarled and twisted oak tree in the center of a clearing. This was inspired by an encounter outlined in DragnaCarta's Strahd Reloaded Guide (Which you can find here). 

After this, I'll finish up the upper levels for this map so we can have a complete, multi-level massive Gothic Village map to use in our games. Of course, I'll also be working on a few of the key locations from the book as well as separate maps (Such as the mercantile, tavern, Mad Mary's home, etc). 

Next, for the Saltmarsh project, I'll be working on either Kester's Leather Goods shop or Sharkfin Bridge. I'm very excited about the Sharkfin Bridge project, but I know it'll be a big one featuring a large bridge with multiple buildings and shops on the edges (think medieval London Bridge). This will be another very involved project I might have the chunk out into phases, but I'm excited to see how it'll turn out! 

That's it for today! As always, thank you SO much for your continued support and I hope I can continue to bring value to your games.


DM Andy



Dungeon of Terra

My new campaign starts in two weeks, timing for this is spot on!


Leaving Barovia to Vallaki for now. But I'll definitely revisit it! Thanks a lot, gorgeous work as always Andy


Awesome! I should have the 2nd + floors done by then and hopefully at least Mad Mary's


I've found my players always end up going back to VoB so you'll have something to show them hopefully! :) I do plan on re-working my old Vallaki maps as well. It's a much bigger beast, but a project I'd be happy to dive into. I'd like to do something similar to this map but with larger, more "nicer" homes and shops in Vallaki with the key buildings. Glad you like the map!