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Hey everyone, and happy Sneak Peek Thursday! This week, I've been working on a TON of updates for my Castle Ravenloft map. Some of these updates include:

  • Creating my standard 8 color moods for each level. This includes a Sunny version of Ravenloft for either a post-campaign castle or to use in other campaigns. 
  • Updating assets such as doors, pillars, Strahd's Organ and other little details
  • Creating a "Clean" version of each map which removes rubble, webs, etc from the interiors. It still has that gothic feel and not totally "lived in" just not messy either. This i includes a restored chapel and throne room! 
  • Adding some new features like a small Vistani camp on the grounds and I'll be adding the doors to the upper spire for Bucephalus per the LBH guide! 

There are going to be hundreds of files in this release, so I'll do as much as I can by the release day!  I am also hoping to create a parchment version like I did for Argynvhostholt, but with the Holidays this week, I might have to push that to a future project. Either way, I think you'll greatly enjoy these updates and polishes to the castle maps. 


DM Andy



Eric Ullman

My Strahd campaign wrapped over a year ago. But I can’t…stop…supporting! Such great work, DM Andy. Thanks!

Gabriel Dominguez

oh joy. I'm running a Castle Ravenloft one shot this wednesday the 27th. Think you will have the clean version of the chapel by then?


You are so supportive! That warms my heart so much, and thank you for believing in my work!


Yes! I plan to have everything posted up by Tuesday. I normally do Monday's but since it's a holiday I'll be with my family that day, however on Tuesday I'll post up the link with all the maps, including the restored chapel :)