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Hey everyone! I thought I would give you all some early insights on the next map I'll be working on for the streets of Barovia. I decided to use the eastern part of town for this one as I wanted this to be a more generic street map you can use for various encounters. 

I also added in Death House in the middle row of houses and plan to create a variant with and without it. This way, you can run it per the book with Death House in town, or not. I am also thinking of putting in a little wooden pie stand with a cart full of pies for any possible Morgantha encounters (much less sus than her going door to door and putting kids into sacks). 

This map will be a 40x60 map, and I even rolled on the table for the contents of each home to be as true to the module as possible. I do plan on doing interiors (at least for the buildings that are fully on the map and not for the ones on the edge, which will be partial buildings); however, at this point, the map will start with the exterior only. 

Hope you enjoy  this super early access sneak peek of what is to come! 


DM Andy




I hope you like the layout! I tried to pick a section of town that had many roads leading in all sorts of directions to give a feel of a sprawling village.

Hans Petersen

Would have liked Vallaki for a change (seriously, there are way too few Vallaki maps in general), but this is nice, too.


Oh I'll be tackling Vallaki again for sure! I started with VoB because these maps are much older than my Vallaki maps, but I do plan on re-working all of my older Vallaki work as well.