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Hey everyone, and happy New Release Monday! Today, I am releasing a new road map called the Old Misty Road. I have been doing a lot of building maps lately, and I don't want to leave out these general-use locations that DMs so prominently use.  There are a ton of forest road maps out there, and while I do intend to do a few more updated forest roads, this time, I wanted something more rural. 

In regards to Curse of Strahd, there are a number of areas the Old Svalich Road passes through that are wide open on either side (like the road right out of the Village of Barovia) or very hilly (like the road going to the Old Bonegrinder). I'm hoping to bring more of these generic encounter maps to the table and will try to get at least one done a month. 


I love an old country road, and they are always so iconic in movies and adventures. I wanted to create a less-traveled, muddy, and run-down area that can fit into all sorts of campaigns, from dark fantasy to countryside. I always try to create a focal point, and on this map, it has the be the massive, gnarled dead tree looming over the muddy road. I wanted an iconic tree that maybe has a history or ghost story attached to it. Perhaps you can horrify your players with illusions of them hanging from the branches over the road in true Curse of Strahd fashion. Or maybe this is a hub for ravens that watch the players pass by or even warn of nearby dangers. 

As I'm sure it's no surprise, but I'm a big Halloween fan, and I just love to add a bit of spooky to the map with Jack-o-Lanterns lining the rotting fence and being used as a scarecrow in the top left. This gives me Sleepy Hollow vibes and also creates a good excuse for me to illuminate the night map! Lastly, I wanted to give a sense of height with the terrain sloping downwards from right to left. A great site for a Dire Wolf ambush as they come running down the hill toward your players. 

Color Moods & Variants

I went a little over the top with variants on this map with 68 different options for you to choose from! 

The first variant is the large muddy rain puddles in the road. I know some may want a dryer, more well-traveled road, while others enjoy the murky water for the ambiance, so each version comes with and without the rain puddles. 

 I also realize not everyone would enjoy the spooky Jack-o-Lanterns and ravens I've added, so I've created variants with and without them (though the tiny little patches of pumpkins are still there). 

Then I created 8 different color moods to help you find the perfect map for your game. From a dry, sunny day to a fog covered, eerie, ghostly green, there should be enough here for all sorts of encounters! The Dark Fantasy and night variants come with rain and fog as well, and the sunny day variant comes with and without sun rays. 

Map Details

For my Champion Tier Patrons, you get the following with this map release:

  • 4k & 8k Resolution
  • Grid & NoGrid
  • 8 Color Moods: Verdant, Gloom, Ghostly, Dark Fairytale, Warm, Sunny Day, Night, & Natural
  • Variants with and without the rain puddles
  • Variants with and without the Jack-o-Lanterns and Ravens
  • Fog, rain, and sun rays for certain color moods
  • Jpg & Webp format
  • VTT Sizing Guide

Well, that's a wrap for July! This month I took you to the looming Clock Tower of Lothburgh, the cozy seaside home of Eliander's in Saltmarsh, and the second edition to the ancient ruins of the Temple of the Lost Fane. I also provided updated maps for some of my older work for The Village of Dawnvale, The Rugged Runner, and The Wistful Way Inn & Tavern. Additionally, I created an "all in one" post for all my Castle Ravenloft Maps in a single post! Phew, what a month! 

In the workshop for August, I'll be working on my next Saltmarsh map, though I might skip the Mining Company HQ (for now) only because these large manor maps take a lot out of me to make. I might pick another location like the Hoolwatch Tower, Green Market, or the Standing Stones. We'll see where inspiration hits! On the Curse of Strahd front, I really want to do my Death House v2.0 and am excited to visit this iconic haunted mansion. I'll also be working on the third and final level of the Temple of the Lost Fane, so get ready for another jammed packed month! 

As always, thank you for your continued support; I could not do all of this without you! 


DM Andy





Absolutely gorgeous, as always ! The vertigo is real...