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Update Dec 27th, 2022: Hey, everyone! As promised, I have attached the written adventure .zip file, which comes with the following: 

  • Zombies Attack! Adventure PDF along with a printer-friendly version
  • Tokens
  • Portraits
  • Character Sheets for five pre-gen characters that fit all the zombie horror troupes and a blank sheet for personal use

Cheers all, and Happy New Year!

DM Andy

Hey everyone, and happy Release Monday! 

Today I have a massive release for you I'm so excited to share. The next installment for the monthly Lunch Break Heroes adventure, Zombies Attack!.  

Today's maps are early access as the written adventure is not quite ready yet, but I wanted to share these with our community today. 

This release has four maps to support this adventure, but I also created versions of the city/sewer maps that are more generic so that you can use them in your own games for your own purposes. 

This adventuring is unique in that your players start off at lvl 0. It includes rules to play at this level, and in addition, there are some pre-generated characters included as well. This is an excellent prelude to a campaign or just a fun night of one-shot zombie fun! 

I will update you all once the adventure is polished in the next few days, but the adventure flow is as follows: 

  • The zombie event is new, and your players are caught off guard
  • They must scramble through the chaos of the city and find a safe location (Such as the safe house interior locations on the main city map) 
  • There they meet other survivors and formulate a plan to escape the city. A gnome tells of her master's invention, the "Apparatus of Dimspark," a highly experimental battle tank that is not quite ready for field use. However, it's your only hope! You need to get to it...
  • The streets are flooded with zombie hordes, but your players can choose to make it across the city by either the sewers below or the city's rooftops. 
  • Once you make it to the Apparatus, you must quickly figure out how to operate the monstrosity and make it to the city gates
  • Finally, after reaching the gates, you must fight through one last zombie horde and smash the gates to safety! 

There are a total of four maps with this release. 

Map 1: City Streets. This map comes with two interior locations, the "Safehouse" and the "Gnome Workshop". It is an 80x40 map. I also created a version without the destruction of the streets and blood so that you can use this as a normal. 

Map 2: Sewers. I created this map to align with the manhole covers and grates on the upper city map. This map comes with and without frames. The frames were added so you can run this as 8 individual smaller sewer maps for a survival check encounter series or as the full sewer map. 

Map 3: Apparatus of Dimspark blueprint. This was a fun map that you could use to place your player tokens in for the Apparatus sequence of the adventure or just something fun to show your players. 

Map 4: City Gates. This is for the final confrontation of the adventure. I created this map with a few variants: One with the apparatus (exterior) and another with the apparatus (interior). I also created a version without the apparatus and another without blood and destruction, so you can use this as a regular city gate map. 

As a Champion Tier patron, you get the following variants with this release: 

  • Grid / Gridless
  • 4k / 8k resolution 
  • Day / Night
  • All of the variants listed above for each map 
  • Webp files in 4k / 8k, all sized for VTT and with a sizing guide 
  • Written adventure PDF, Tokens, and Portraits

With the holiday, things have been a little crazy on my end. However, I'm already working on the next release for Castle Ravenloft, The Larders of Ill Omen!

Since Jan is a 5-Monday month, I'll be taking the first week of Jan off to recover my brain a bit, but rest assured, I'll have the next release for Castle Ravenloft done on Jan 9th. 

Additionally, I'll be working on the final chapter of the Interactive Tome of Strahd and an updated forest map for random encounters (my current forest maps are a little outdated, so I want an updated version for random encounters). 

And there you have it! Looking forward to wrapping up the Castle and the Tome of Strahd and revamping some of my older maps going forward. I'll also be branching out into other adventure modules and continuing to create the Dark Fantasy maps for your games. 2023 is going to be a great year! 


DM Andy
