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Hello everyone and a very happy Halloween today! I'm excited to bring you my fourth map release for October and we're ending the month off with a bang. This massive release comes with a total of 3 maps (technically 8 maps!) an adventure written by Lunch Break Heroes, portraits and tokens. 

LBH and I have been partnering on creating original adventures with a dark fantasy theme. This adventure is geared toward higher level parties and includes a snowy journey up the mountains. It's perfect as a one-shot or to slate into any cold locations in your own campaigns. 

Unknown to all but the village elders, Greenhaven’s prosperity is the result of a deal struck with a devil thirty years ago. Now, every year, a band of adventurers is sent up the nearby mountain to their unwitting end. Will your band of adventurers perish in ice and blood, or will their survival spell doom for the entire village?

I'm thankful this was a five Monday month as I needed the extra time to work on the large amounts of maps for this adventure. I've also created tons of variants to make these maps as versitile as possible. 

The first map is a series of six, 20x20 maps to be used for random encounters while traveling up the mountain. These are perfect for generic mountain pass encounters for any of your games to give lots of encounter ideas from avalanches, to the hungry Winter Wolves to even the risk of slipping off the mountain! 

The second map is a large 40x40 cave for the dragon encounter, in which two young dragon siblings are chained to the walls, feasting on the corpse of their third sibling to stay alive and guarding the mountain sumit for the Ice Devil. Here your players can negotiate their way out, or fight the dragons but if it be treasure ye seek, the dragon's horde can be found nerby. I created both a light and dark version as well as versions without the dragon's horde. 

And lastley, the mountain summit which is a 30x40 map which your players will be able to either fight or negotiate with the ice devil residing in a strange and foreign monalith. They can see the frozen bodies of fellow adventures as well as the former mountains draconic guardian's remains skewered on a massive ice spike. For this map I made snowy versions, day / night and also a "clean" version without the specfic details (bodies, dragon, monalith) so you can run it however you'd like. I really got to play with perspective here and had a great time showing the height and scale of the larger features of this map. 

As DM Andy Champion Tier patrons, you get access to the following in this release: 

  • Grid / Gridless versions of all maps
  • 4k / 8k Resolution
  • Day / Night
  • Snow versions of the outdoor maps
  • Cave map without treasure
  • Mountain summit map without the details 
  • Webp files in both 4k and 8k resized to fit VTT along with a VTT sizing guide 
  • The adventure PDF including a print friendly version
  • Portraits
  • Tokens

So there you have it! I hope I could end Oct off with a bang and provide tons of frosty goodies for you today. 

On my immediate workshop table will be the third level of Castle Ravenloft: The Rooms of Weeping in which I'm shooting to release next Monday. After this, I'll be working on Chapter 10 of the Interactive Tome of Strahd and creating the monestary encounter. 

Later in the month, I'd like to produce some more dark fantasy themed generic encounter maps as well as working on the next monthly LBH adventure and of course the Spires of Ravenloft. 

Can't wait to share with you all the next map! 

Cheers and have a fun & very safe Halloween, 

DM Andy




That's awesome ! Truly chilling work !

James Long

SO... was this originally named "A Bond of Ice and Blood"? (ABoIaB?)