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Hey everyone and happy Release Monday! 

For today's release in bring you; The Haunted Hills - Switchback Road. I wanted to provide an encounter map for both random encounters you might have or run encounters against your players while they hike toward the looming ruined keep on the top of the hill! You could have the buried remains of the knightly order rise as Wight's or Revenants, forever protecting their fortress from what they perceive as invaders. Or if you are like me, I turned the body of their draconic ruler into an undead dragon (minus a skull so his head is made up of blue flame) which harassers the players and foreshadows a larger fight later on.

This map is a 60x40 winding road and I made the road just big enough for Vardos (wagons) to travel up.

For my Champion Tier Patrons, I have included the following variants with this release: 

  • Grid / No Grid (Now named "G" and "NG" on the file naming) 
  • 4k / 8k Resolution 
  • Night / Day & Rain variants for both
  • Clean Version without fog (thought I kept the fog below the cliff line as it shows the depth I want to convey) 
  • Webp files in both 4k / 8k resized for ease of use with your VTT of choice (Including a Foundry sizing guide) 

I hope you enjoy this one! 

Next up, I have already started work on the Argynvostholt keep and I have a very exciting new adventure from Lunch Break Heroes with four new maps!! I can't wait to share my work with you all next Release Monday (Don't worry, I'll sneak peek a bit on Thursday)! 


DM Andy



Nick Morris

Im so excited you’re doing maps for Argynvostholt Monday! Ive been hoping my party avoided the area until you were able to do them! This path map will be great as well! I too have the party fighting a reanimated by Strahd, skeleton Argynvost to recover the skull (didnt like it in the castle tbh) Maybe the headless version like you said can make an appearance 👀


I'm excited too! Just to set the proper expectation, this Monday will be a new adventure by Lunch Break Heroes, but I'm hoping for a release on the 4th for Argynvostholt. I might have to release it in two parts because it's a massive map. So far It's taken me a solid 60 hours just to finish the first floor :P (But it is coming out great and I can't wait to share it!!) Regarding the dragon, in my lore I basically had Strahd exert dominion over the spirit of Argynovst and his skeletal form acts as a guardian to ensure his body is never laid to rest. The skull was given to Baba since she is such a powerful witch. In my game, assuming my players are able to defeat Baba and retrieve the skull, both the Knights of the Silver Dragon AND the skeletal Argynvost will be attempting to stop the players from returning the skull to the mausoleum. However, for each knight the players helped (each one had their own quest) they will basically help the players in the fight. But if the players didn't complete the quest, their hatred will consume them and they will join their leader Vladimir to stop the players thinking they are defiling Argynvost. It should be delightful chaos!

Nick Morris

4th is awesome too! My group is currently busy in Krezk and i have a feeling they will be there for a little 😂 I love that idea with the knights having their own quests! Can i ask what type of stuff you have as quest options? I may borrow that idea 🤔 Also sorry if this posts a new comment, i dont know how to replay on patreon mobile app lol


Yeah of course! I created the following Knights quests. The premise is they are bound to Argynvostholt, forever cursed to roam the halls. Ser Godfrey Gwilym - Retrieve the skull of Argynvost and place it in the mausoleum Ser Damian - He used to hunt the great beats of Berez to keep them out of the village and protect the town as his sworn duty. Now, a massive beasts stalks the swamps and taunts him, but he cannot leave to slay it. I am using the Witcher Morvudd status block from the "Book of Beautiful Horrors" as the creature but you can use any beast. He wants the players to bring back a trophy of their success (in my case it's the Morvudd's third eye). Dame Sophia - I created this quest and is attached to my Weeping Willow map from Berez. You can find the PDF document which outlines this quest in full on the map release post, but basically, her lover waited for her to return from the war by the willow tree on the outskirts of Berez. This is where she died, forever waiting for her love. She now haunts this tree, dancing and enticing the living to extract revenge on the loss of her love. If the players lay her to rest, Dame Sophia's hatred will be lessened. Squire Robern - He used to be a blacksmith in Berez before he joined the order. He has a magic item, a "Hammer of Mending" which can cast the mending cantrip when used to repair something. He was tasked with the maintenance of the keeps defenses, but cannot repair the broken ballista on the roof without it. If the players take the time to search the dangerous ruins of Berez, they can find it and if they return it to him, he can repair the ballista. This will come in handy when the dragon comes as he will use the ballista in the fight! If the players fail to complete any of the quests, these knights will be fully consumed by their hatred and will no longer be able to tell friend from foe. They will be aggressive toward the players. But, if the players put their hatred to rest by helping them, they will fight in the battle to come. Vladimir will have to stand against his own knights along with the three Revenants that are found in the chapel (These knights have already been consumed by their hatred and are far too lost to save). Once the bones are restored and the beacon lit, all of the knights hatred will be resolved and channeled against Strahd. Vladimir will rise again and this time, he will pledge the remaining knights the cause helping your players defeat Strahd. In my game, they will be used as an ally during the "March to Ravenloft".