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Hey everyone and happy Sneak Peek Thursday!

For those that remember, a while back I created my own (and very first) adventure called The Sanguine Rose (Content warning, this is an adventure featuring a brothel). This features a new location in Vallaki and expands on Ernst as a more active NPC in the politics of the explosive city. 

Should Ernst succeed in his dastardly plans and expand his empire, he will push the Martikov's out of the Blue Water Inn and take it over for himself. He renames this The Sanguine Inn and this is what I will be bringing you on Monday! 

You can see a sneak peak of some of the renovation sneaky Ernst has done since the take over :) 

For those of you who missed it, I've attached the adventure to this post including a printer friendly version and a French translation (Thanks to our very own community member JM Tixu78!). 

Hope you enjoy!


DM Andy




Oooooooooh heck yassss! This just gave me the greatest idea to throw at my party, muahahahahaaa! Can't wait!


Nice!! It happened in my game and the players are in for a big surprise when they come back to Vallaki :) I think you'll enjoy the full map!