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Hey everyone!

Here is my sneak peek for this upcoming release and it's a big one! The Fog of Waymoor is an original, grim dark style, adventure written by Lunch Break Heroes with the maps done by me. This release will feature three maps. 

  • The swamp Town of Waymoor with exterior and interior locations, an inn, a church, and various villager buildings.
  • The Marshlands which includes an ancient crypt
  • The interior of the ancient, waterlogged crypt

In addition to the maps, as a patron of our community you'll also get access to the written adventure PDF as well. 

These maps would also make great Berez locations (especially the crypt maps). You could use the village as a rebuilt version of the town of Berez as the villagers attempt to reclaim the ruins of this lost city. Or if you are starting a new campaign, you could even have your players start in the village of Waymoor and have the fog creep in and sweep them away to Barovia. 

I hope you'll enjoy these maps! 

Meanwhile, in the witches cauldron I have the following maps brewing:

  • Foggy Forest map for generic forest encounters
  • Two generic Berez swamp maps which feature rivers (one large river and another smaller river) 
  • Interior locations for the City of Marionettes  (The Theater and the Toy Shop) 
  • A revisited Tsolenka Pass map for an adventure Pyram King is working on
  • The Burgomaster's Mansion / Overgrown Garden for Berez 
  • A take over of the Blue Water Inn in the event sneaky Ernst succeeds from my "Sanguine Rose" adventure. The inn has been re-named and Ernst has spent some good coin to redecorate in his unique tastes
  • And of course more Interactive Tome of Strahd maps

It's overflowing! So lots to look forward to on the horizon :) 


DM Andy



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