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Disclaimer: All content controlled by Wizards of the Coast IP is available for free in compliance with the Fan Content Creation Policy. The map is my own creation but the adventure uses IP controlled terms and can be found for free here.

Update March 7th, 2023: Hey, everyone! A community member had pointed out I did not have 8k files for this map, so I went ahead and updated this post both with 8k jpgs and webp files. And because I couldn't help myself, I also gave them a little Photoshop treatment and enhanced the colors on the 8k maps. If anyone wants the same for 4k, just let me know, and I'll happily provide it. In addition to the base map, the color variants I added are:

Gloom: Darker map with a heavy emphasis on shadows

Muted: Toned down the colors to make for an older feel while staying in line with the rest of Barovia. 

Night: Increased the blue tones and deepened the shadows. After all, after hours at The Rose should feel dark and intimate. 

Red: The original intent of this location was to create a unique opportunity to add a bold color range to otherwise drab Barovian maps. With this one, I cranked up the vibrancy of the reds! 


DM Andy

Original Post:

Greetings all! Today, I bring you a very special release. This map is a homebrew encounter I added to my personal CoS game which my players loved. They ended up inspiring me to create a map and try my best to compile my sloppy DM notes into a somewhat cohesive and professional looking document. So the exciting news? This map comes with an encounter writeup! This is my very first write up I've ever shared so I welcome any feedback. I am certainly no Pyram King or DragnaCarta (And after writing this I have a whole new respect for what they do!)

Needless to say, the content of this map and encounter write up is intended for a mature audience and I did include a trigger warning at the start of my write up. While is is not overly gratuitous, it does content lewd overtones so just be warned.

I made this map in the following variants:

  • Grid / Gridless
  • Dark
  • More Red
  • Version with the DM Numbers for the encounter write up

Also attached is the encounter write up that goes with it.

I'm excited to share not just my map, but my encounter with you all and looking forward to hearing what you all think.


DM Andy



JM Tixu78

Finished reading it, that seems very funny & interesting to insert in the campaign ! Need to find a place for Larnak Publication on your map, which is not yet included in Pyram King guide… you said it’s on town square, but it perhaps could be on Slums map.


I do have plans for another map that will serve a few purposes for Vallaki. I call it the "Alleyways of Vallaki" and it will feature the pathways between tightly packed buildings. On this map I will have one interior location which will be Larnak Publications which can be used for this encounter. Otherwise, I hope it will serve as another possible battle map for Vallaki, especially for those looking to run an ambush on Izek or even Fiona's rebels.

JM Tixu78

I just finished translating in French & implementing The Sanguine Rose on Encounter+. It's a perfect setting to deal with incubus / succubus opponents. I really like the RP opportunity it gives. Still in mind an "Alleyways of Vallaki" map ?


That is fantastic! If you wanted, I can include the French Translation in my Google drive folder which contains the document. To answer your other question, I do have the Alleyways of Vallaki on my to do list. I love alleyway / rooftop maps and this will focus on tight spaces to run encounters and of course include Larnak Publications print shop.