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Disclaimer: All content controlled by Wizards of the Coast IP is available for free in compliance with the Fan Content Creation Policy. The free post for this map can be found here

Update July 13th, 2021: My fellow content creator Pyram King really knocked it out of the park with his recent video of the Arasek Stockyard. He built an awesome murder mystery quest which I think is a great lead to talk to important NPCs and get tie ins with other quests and areas of the campaign. Great introduction to Vallaki! You can find his video here

Update July 6th, 2021: I realized I listed the wrong dimensions for the grid! I listed 40x40 in the post (and all the file names have listed 40x40) but this map is actually 50x50. I'm very sorry for any confusion!

Happy Monday everyone! I'm excited to bring you my next release, the Arasek Stockyard in Vallaki. 

I always thought this was a cool, yet underrated location in Vallaki with so much potential for encounters! First of all, we have the general store to the right of the map owned by Arasek's which every adventuring party needs. Then we have Rictavio's wagon full of fun surprises. If those Wachter boys are left unchecked, who's telling what sort of trouble they will cause! 

I also created interiors for the massive storage warehouse along with all of the sheds (and left one empty in the event you wanted to rent one to your players!). Additionally, there is plenty of stable locations for your players to safely keep their horses in the event they bought or found some. You'll notice the warehouse is semi-two stories. With one map showing the bottom level of the warehouse where wagon's pull through so the crane above can load boxes and crates into the warehouse level. I created this map with lots of areas for would-be thieves or other nefarious threats to hide to give you some room to be creative with your encounters here. Oh and don't forget our friend Henrik van der Voort who owns the coffin maker shop next door (Don't worry, his map is coming next!) 

I may have gone a little overboard with the variants this time! I also created the wagon as it's own asset in the event our friend Ricatvio wants to move it around. Because there are so many variants, I split grid / gridless into different folders to reduce the download size for the ones you want. The variants included in the attached file are: 

  • Grid / Gridless 
  • Day / Night
  • Rain / No Rain
  • Wagon / No Wagon
  • Exterior / Interior (The warehouse has two interior versions for top and bottom) 

Thanks for your support and I hope you enjoy! 


DM Andy




JM Tixu78

great work as usual 👍🏼


Is there any chance you could have an exploded version of the wagon one day?


I'm wondering if you are thinking of the wagon in front of Van Richten's Tower which belongs to Ezmerelda? I do have an exploded version of that wagon on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51274831