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Hey everyone! Here is the monthly recap for June. I included a quick overview of each released map in one post, along with links to find them.

I've mentioned before, but I have been hiring an artist to work on custom assets for me to use with each map, and you're starting to see this library expand more and more. It's very important to me to support other artists, and I'm so grateful your support has allowed me to do this! So far, the Gargoyles on the Falls Bridge map have been my absolute favorite custom assets to date.

Below is the recap of each map and the download link for each one, including the free versions where applicable.

Bildrath's Mercantile

An updated rework of Bildrath's Mercantile from the Village of Barovia features his home / shop along with a basement level where his ill-treated nephew sleeps. This map features the exterior in true Village of Barovia gloom and you can see all manner of junk dangling from the outer walls of the shop. A weathered, lit sign makes sure that business is driven inside and a small mix of adventuring gear awaits purchase.

I also created a basement-level map to store junk and feature a small sleeping quarter for our gentle giant Parriwimple. Here I added some rats in a cage (along with some dead rats that were hugged too hard) and some toys and flowers to represent his innocent and childlike state. This scene reminds me of Sloth from one of my favorite 80s movies The Goonies. Maybe Parriwimple will be the fated ally in your game??

You can find the trailer I made for this map here!

Download the free version here

Download the Champion Tier version here

Winter's Grasp: Barovia Reimagined

I was very excited to announce this project, and after receiving much feedback on the topic and requests for various snowy versions of maps, I've decided, in addition to creating v2.0 maps of my older work, I will be giving each one a snowy makeover to create a full snow covered Barovia! All of the maps I've created to support Curse of Strahd, both the maps that are derivative recreations from the book map and my own creations that support dark fantasy environments, will have a snowy overhaul.

Each month I will release a handful of maps in a single release, and they will feature three core color variants:

  • Gloom

  • Chilly Day

  • Night

Additionally, the maps will have weather variants such as fog, snow, and sun rays. My hope is that these maps can be versatile now, not just for a snow-covered Curse of Strahd but also for other adventure settings that take place in snowy environments.

For the first release, I created the following snowy versions:

  • Old Misty Road (Gates of Barovia)

  • Death House

  • Old Road Encounters

You can view the trailer I made for Winter's Grasp here!

Download Winter's Grasp Death House here

Download Winter's Grasp Old Misty Road here

Download Winter's Grasp Old Road Encounters here

The Snapping Line

As we change gears from Dark Fantasy to nautical, I created a particularly fun map to support the Saltmarsh locations I've been mapping out. Inspired by the Snapping Line entry in the Saltmarsh book, this inn comprises several salvaged fishing ships to form a multiple-level tavern and inn. Of course, I've made this wonderfully nautical-themed, calling out various aspects of the owner's personalities, such as their ties to lobster catching and the creation of a (rather disgusting sounding) spirit called claw wine. A distilled drink made from crab meat and potatoes (bleh!).

On the upper level are a total of nine rooms for rent as well as plenty of drinking area within the tavern and on the top of the "ship".

This map is perfect for any pirate town you might be running in your game!

Download the Snapping Line here

The Falls Bridge

Inspired by the key location within Barovia, Tser Falls, this map was created to support any encounter where you have an ancient, weathered stone bridge spanning a rushing river below.

I feel like we DMs usually need a bridge map, and this map also has the dreaded height that will surely make your characters nervous about crossing. The perched gargoyles, starting with cold, moss-covered, stoney eyes, would be unnerving to most adventurers!

To get the depth of the 1,000-foot drop right, I even referenced top-down images of the Chrysler Building in New York City, which has a similar drop (and it's quite scary to look at!). I hope your wizard has prepared Feather Fall, as the stones of this bridge are quite slick from the rushing falls!

Download the Falls Bridge here

That's a wrap for June! In July, you can expect a re-work of my take on the Blood on the Vine Inn / Tavern, some more Winter's Grasp maps, and the council hall from the Saltmarsh series. Lot's of new goodies in the workshop and I'm so excited to share them with you all!

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your continued support and I'll see you for the next release.


DM Andy



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