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Hey everyone, and happy New Release Monday! Today, I am continuing my journey of mapping out all of Saltmarsh, and I bring you Kester's Leathergoods and Tannery. A fun quest hub-type location your players can visit frequently as they recover rare and precious pelts to sell for some good coin.

This map features the leather shop and the tannery building, where all manner of leather gear and supplies can be purchased. 

Even if you're not running Saltmarsh, having various shops available for your sessions is always great. 

For this map, I've tilted the building back just a tad to add more details to the front of the building and to show greater depth in the map itself. I've been doing this type of work more and more frequently, and I feel it gives the buildings far greater detail than just seeing a strictly top-down roof. I've enjoyed creating the front building facade and look forward to doing this more and more on my maps. 

For the map itself, the building to the right is the tannery where pelts are salted/dried, soaked & washed, de-skinned, and softened for the finished leather goods. Outside, numerous skins are drying in the warm Saltmarsh sun amidst a sizeable wooden tower for a steady water supply. There is also a furnace inside for boiling and cleaning bones as well. 

Behind the house are vats with soaked and dyed leather to give it some color. 

Inside the building to the left is the main leather shop, along with the living quarters and workshop. Everything a leather worker needs to hone her craft!

With this release, for my Champion Tier patrons, you'll get the following:

  • 8 Color moods: Gloom, Ghostly, Dark Fairytale, Night, Sunny Day, Verdant, Warm, and Overcast
  • Interior / Exterior 
  • No Lights Version
  • Fog, Rain, and Sun Ray weather options
  • 8k & 4k Image Resolution
  • Jpg & Webp File Types
  • Grid & No Grid Options
  • VTT Sizing Guide

Up next, I'll be continuing my project on my re-worked Village of Barovia with Mad Mary's townhome, a two-story gothic house where Mary mourns the loss of her daughter. As I re-work my older Barovia maps, I'll be creating each key location as a separate map so you can use them all independently of each other. Additionally, I hope to then create the western side of the town and re-use those same buildings on a greater scale map like the original one I did (That's the plan anyway, but there are some logistics to solve with that approach). 

Additionally, I'll be working on the restored Burgomaster Mansion in Berez to support the last map in the Interactive Tome of Strahd adventure and hope to get another outdoor map done as well. 

Lots of new and updated goodies heading your way! 

I hope you enjoyed this release, and looking forward to sharing more of my work with you all. Thanks for your continued support!


DM Andy



Nick Mason

I have noticed that the last several maps you have released have both interior and exterior vertical walls. Is this a new feature of inkarnate or is this something that you have managed to create on your own?


Hi Nick, and good eye! It's sort of a mix of both, really. Inkarnate has a new line/shape tool that is currently in beta testing, which allows me to draw textures and various shapes. Using that and some custom textures, I have been able to expand my reach when it comes to creating a more angled wall/facade of the buildings. Most of this is done by drawing textured shapes, stacking assets, and then applying my own shading and highlighting to create a level of vertically. Glad you noticed, and hopefully you are enjoying the updated style. Cheers!