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Full Reaction Temporary Google Drive Link-https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mx46VpdjdolozgZ2JdLUA9ZzxsrUQe_Z/view?usp=drive_link

Full Reaction Temporary Media Fire Link-https://www.mediafire.com/file_premium/sua0x19d5iozqpy/The_Thin_Blue_Line_Season_1_Episode_2_Fire_and_Terror.mp4/file

Dailymotion Temporary Link-https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8sma8e

Daily Motion Password: 95

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Keith Pratt

I spotted 2 Game of Thrones actors.

Matthew Towner

The Thin Blue Line was very definitely a big hit when first transmitted, the episodes are so memorable, Fire and Terror is definitely memorable. Standout moments include Raymond's hat full of sick, and Gary's telling Kevin that he was too beautiful to die. Some brilliant one liners and dialogue throughout, Constable Habib is very funny here, she's gone from being the sassy strong feminist, to a giggly girly in the sight of dishy fireman Gary. Owen Teale is very funny in the role, one that just doesn't seem to suit his character, but he did it very well. The dialogue between Raymond and Patricia is so clever, we quickly discovered what she wants, and what he has to offer. Loved it.


What is the thing in British sitcoms where the wife is desperate for sex but the husband constantly frustrates her by being oblivious or unwilling? I wonder where it started. US sitcoms don't really have it except for Married With Children, with the main guy constantly rebuffing the wife.


The fireman is Owen Teale isn't it? SPOILERS He was the trainer of the Nights Watch who hated Jon Snow and betrayed him.