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David Lyons

Conkers are a nickname for horse chestnuts, in the autumn they fall off trees and shed their spiky coating, and as kids we used to go hunting for good shiny tough conkers. Main reason being it's also a playground game where you drill a hole in one, thread a piece of string through it and take it in turns to swing it against your opponent's conker. A bit like marbles, but instead of winning your opponent's conker, you get to smash it to smithereens! Incidentally, I remember reading a children's book in school called 'The Conker as Hard as a Diamond' :)

(Just) Steve

Conkers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conkers


...Yes, this was the hottest toy for British kids in the days before Playstation 5s. We had a giant conker tree in our garden and the village would come along and root around on the lawn looking for a particuarly big bugger. I don't think big ones were necessarily tougher than smaller ones, but big ones were what everyone wanted. Weirdly, in spite of this tradition, I never once saw anyone actually play conkers. The 'drilling a hole and turning it into a conker-weapon' part was clearly too much effort.