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I enjoyed this one but it's the weakest of the season so far. This one really strayed from the Black Mirror standard though so now I see why some people were upset by the move away from technology. If Charlie Brooker wants to branch out then I think he should just come up with a name for a new anthology series. From the creator of Black Mirror comes...whatever. Taking a cue from this episode I'd really like to see his ideas for supernatural beings etc. I'm sure he'd come up with some great stuff. Only one episode of Black Mirror left and then on to a new drama series on a Monday.

James Brown

Definitely the weakest episode of the season for me too! Not sure if you’ll be able to give your opinions in time Josh, but would be really interesting to know how you would rank each episode of each season of Black Mirror. Season 1 my favourite was 15 Millions Merits. Season 2 either Be Right Back or White Christmas Season 3 San Junipero, but Shut up and Dance is great too, as is most of this Season. Season 4, difficult one, but I think USS Callister Season 5 probably Smithereens and Season 6 I actually really enjoyed all episodes, but I think Beyond the Sea was probably my favourite, then Joan is Awful, then the episode you’re about to watch next 🙌 Would be interesting to see other peoples rankings :)


It has changed alot from how the show previously was, I have enjoyed both but I do notice the vibe of the show is very different.

Austin Stratton

S1 - 15 Million Merits S2 - White Bear S3 - Playtest S4 - USS Callister S5 - Smithereens S6 - Loch Henry Probably quite a safe list but I'm a sucker for a good story lol


OK, been lovin the character inner monologues we've been getting of late. I've been watching for a few years now, and I don't recall you doing that as much in the past. It's one of my favourite parts of these reactions when you talk as the character, explaining how you are interpreting their thought processes. I can't be the only one who thinks it's fookin hilarious. 🤣 You've been really making me chuckle a lot these past few months. Especially when it comes with in the form of a typically non Josh voice. I don't want to make you self conscious by highlighting it, but your instincts are great, continue to trust them as it's working. Works best for these drama shows. OK I'm gonna bite the silver bullet on this one. This one was.... (Insert Werewolf related euphemism I can't think of...). It wasn't terrible, or poorly made, or badly written. I just didn't enjoy pretty much any of it. I thought it was hilarious that I was practically begging for a number of these characters to get killed. OK no not really begging. But I did openly say, I won't care if they do die. If a serial killer kills them, I won't care. Then they are killed by a Werewolf and I was right. 🤣 I got the point or 'the message' I just didn't care. lol Sh't happens and then you get eaten. 😂