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Vote to continue Taskmaster or Start a different show. There will be a poll after each series to determine if we will continue with another Taskmaster series or move to a different show.



S11 onwards are all varying degrees of good to great imo, all far better than S10


Agreed I’ve loved the past three or four series. Some top notch guests.

Colin Bayley

27 patrons lost in the past month. Its what you get with a program of minority interest shows on every day. So lap it up. More years of watching a group of adults compete at a series of children's party games every week.


Could you make it 28? Would be nice to flush some toxins from this otherwise decent community


Agree with Graham. Barely looked at the comments on Josh's Patreon in a good while, but it seems there's still people being rude and throwing their toys out of the pram over choices they don't like. Maybe go outdoors and touch some grass, it's not the end of the world.


The voting sections get truly toxic. I think it's not just the fact that we disagree on shows, it's also the fact that you get people who are very different interacting as a result, people who otherwise stay hived off in their separate show-specific communities. Some real charmers dropped in on this BTL.


Wow, I can't stand Taskmaster but I've just ventured into these comments for the first time and, jeez, there's some very bitter TM haters! I've never liked the show so I was just checking to see when Josh would be done with it. But never, in all these months, has it occurred to me to come onto one of the TM videos and bitch about how much I don't like it! Josh is very fair in giving everyone the chance to end TM after each series, but the vote's always in favour of continuing. And, as much as it annoys me, that's fair enough! At this point, if you're not a TM fan it's easier just to let Josh get through the remaining series, then we can finally move onto something else *and* TM fans will be happy. Everyone wins!