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Hey, folks please read this before you post a question. There's a chance I may have already answered the question here or in a previous post, links are at the bottom.

You are allowed to vote on more than one show. Please pick all of the shows you would like to see.

Top Five shows From the Previous Poll

  • Jonathans Creek 32 Episodes 77 Votes
  • Fresh Meat 30 Episodes 72 Votes
  • Still Game 62 Episodes 67 Votes
  • Misfits 37 episodes 66 Votes
  • Outnumbered 40 Episodes 61 Votes

This poll is for shows requested that have 27 or more episodes. These shows were selected based on how frequently they have been requested. If there is a show with 27 or more episodes you would like to see voted on that isn't on this list please request it below. There will be another long show poll after Taskmaster/People Just Do nothing Ends. If it's a sketch show or game/panel it will not be added to the poll for now.

Removed To Make Room For New Shows (Low Votes)

  • Waiting for God 47 Episodes - 6 Votes
  • Last of the Summer Wine 295 Episodes 17 Votes
  • The Green Green Grass 32 Episodes -18 Votes
  • Are You Being Served? 70 Episodes 26 Votes

Previous poll 5 posts








Can I say, in defence of What We Do In The Shadows, and as some balance to the support for JC - WWDITS is a wonderful show, light and funny, with brilliant performances throughout. There are werewolf vs vampire fights, ghost lovers, genies, giant trolls, gargoyles, demon chases through toy shops, vampire crossfit, cursed hats.... It would be a worthy winner. Also...it has Matt Berry! Douglas from IT Crowd if you don't know. And the rest of the cast is just peerlessly great. It's one of the best casts in any comedy I've ever seen.

Colin Bayley

Why is matt Berry the new god? The last one was Steve Coogan before that it was log. Are we now going to have his whole catalog in succession? With a few bootlegs of him eating his lunch somewhere shot through a Bush? Do you only listen to one band at a time and wait to you've heard everything they have recorded before moving on? A bit of variety is not a bad thing. It broadens the mind and opens you to new experiences. It also stops what you like becoming stale.


Why such an aggressive reply? There are many comments supporting Jonathan Creek here - there is one even saying that it should get voted in because there are lots of comments about it. and that that should count extra in terms of votes. I added some balance to the comment section that’s all. Think about how you feel reading my comment - now consider the possibility that I and lots of other people might feel the same way reading all the comments about Jonathan Creek.

Colin Bayley

Sorry. I didn't mean it to be aggressive. It just a trend I've noticed in these polls over the months. Which I truly don't understand. I like a variety of things of different genre's and also some rubbish. I'm just not keen on the same thing over and over which a lot of these trends result in.


I’m pretty sure wwdits isn’t going to win so it’s irrelevant anyway. I like Matt berry so I haven’t felt like he’s over represented but I suppose if you’re not a fan it feels different.


I think it makes sense. people join cos they like a show and then they vote in the next poll and vote for other stuff they like, which often has the same actors etc.

Steve Read

There's a few gooduns on here, but Rhod Gilberts Work Experience is funny and I haven't seen it a million times.


@jason - Yeah agreed. Also, it’s not like Matt berry’s even in anything much rn. He’s not even in boosh every episode. Plus, he’s fucking brilliant, who cares if he is. It’s not like I’ll be moaning about Caroline Quentin being in everything if Jonathan creek gets in.


Holy cow JC is drawing! 🙈


I had voted for Fresh Meat, but after seeing the tie decided to put in my vote for Jonathan Creek. I watched the show when it originally aired and loved it, no idea if I'll still think it's good 20 (?) years later.

Dave P

Please not JC

Colin Bayley

Why such an aggressive stance? Matt Berry is very good at playing matt Berry. Robert Deniro is not shitting himself because matt Berry has burst onto the scene.


Jonathan Creek, please no... As entertaining as watching paint dry.

Dave P

Only show im watching the reaction to is thick of it currently, shame

Dave P

Agree, theres a lack of good shows on reaction now


I really don’t know why you’re being so pissy about this Colin. No one said Matt berry is the equivalent of Robert deniro. You just sound cross that someone dared recommend a show you’re not enthused about.


It’s a tie! What happens now? 😲 (Also, damn whoever voted for WWDITS at the last second! 😣)

Alex P

Jonathan Creek definitely is good - certainly the first few series. Though some of the latter specials were a bit lacklustre.


In all seriousness, it would be an absolute joy to see you react to Jonathan Creek! It is a really fun, engaging and hilarious show with an awesome 'mystery of the week' that I am sure you will appreciate! Would be so good to get this on the weekly watch list!

Colin Bayley

I like wwdits. I just don't want to see it on here now. I want something different to what's already running. Thursday and Saturday are quite simular and a matt Berry comedy will make 3 shows of the same style. Taskmaster is like income tax because they make 20 episodes a year so you have to go January to May before you start reducing the overall numbers. I hunger for different.

Jack Morgan

So we have a draw. Does this mean you'll watch both 😅? Unlikely, but it would be amazing because they're both such great shows!


I’d like to think that he would choose Jonathan Creek, as it’s been coming second in the polls for months! Only seems fair that it has its turn now 😁🤞🏼🤞🏼

David Lyons

Didn't realise it would be this close so I undid my vote for Shadows...



Jonathan Creek was definitely ahead by one point when it was midnight (UK time)! Then I refreshed the page at 12:03 and the poll was closed and suddenly WWDITS had another vote!

Ian Richards

In my experience, Josh usually closes the poll at either 10 or 11, and JC was comfortably in the lead (by about 5 or 6 votes) during that period. It was only a sudden glut of late votes after 11 that made it close at all.


We shall await the mystery reveal then,who would have thought that a poll on a patreon page would have been such a stressful ordeal 😅


I don’t care. Stop nagging me for voting differently. I’ve not said anything critical of Jonathan creek, so have the decency to accept a different vote without being such a giant pain in the arse about it. The vote will shake out how it will.

Colin Bayley

I haven't mentioned Jonathan Creek for 3 polls myself. I just don't understand the love you have for matt Berry. He's OK. But to elevate him to a reason to watch something is baffling.


I find the idea of you being enthused about a show like Jonathan Creek baffling too. But I haven't droned on about it for five replies now. Let it go, you're being really fucking annoying.


Wtf are you talking about “waited a while”? I went to bed Maybe you think you’re so magnetic I should’ve stayed up all night replying to your increasingly douchey points, but normal people sleep at the end of the day Have you actually got a point anymore, by the way?

Colin Bayley

I was referring to your answer to Jason. I think you'll find the only one banging on about JC is you. There are several shows I would prefer to wwdits this time round. My original point was how a princess Diana like obsession springs up on here for different individuals seemingly overnight. The world doesn't revolve around you it goes round the sun.


I asked you if you have a point 'anymore'. I know what you originally wrote. You've whined about Matt Berry for god knows how many replies now. I got your point. Everyone got it. Monks in the himalayas got it. So what is your point now? Why are you still replying in this thread? Why am I still getting notifications? D'you think I'm going to change my vote or something? You're like the last guy at the fucking party, still dancing when the music's stopped. Go home, you're making me lose the will to live.

Colin Bayley

I carry on because you are unable to walk away. It's not in your nature. If you don't reply to this you will return to it at some point. It fascinates me.


So you admit you have no point at all anymore; you’re just a common, slightly thick troll with a neurotic inability to let an argument go. Okay, that sounds like a reasonable stopping point. It took a while but at least I know you’re just a twat. For a while there I actually took you seriously. Have a nice day Colin. Go out and touch some grass.

Colin Bayley

Because its all about you and your insecurity isn't it Saul. I made a general comment about a behavioral trend I noticed and you immediately took it as some sort of attack. Then spent the next hour walking around with your thumb up your arse seething about it. Couldn't let it go could ya. All you have to do to stop me replying is to leave it now. But your incapable of that aren't you.