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Michael Harrop

'Stop thinking the unthinkable, you not even good at thinking the thinkable'😂 Malcolms lack of faith in Nicola to do literally anything right is so funny, just waiting for the next cock up.


Terri is one of the best comedy characters of all time.

Michael Harrop

Love the absolute terror on everyone's face when Teri tells Malcolm he's making bad decisions. A kind of humanising moment for him too, I think he respected Teri for having the courage to do it, nobody else would have. For all his faults he has so much going on constantly juggling crisis after crisis, its no wonder he's tightly wound. Such a fascinating character, I love Malcolm!

TC Elba

Alister Campbell who is the person malcom tucker is allegedly based on and several others working in government/parliament have said it's actually worse than in the thick of it, considering the show is absolutely mental. I'd be well clear of it as well

Michael Harrop

I know you're into sci-fi Josh do you know anything about Doctor Who? Been going for 60 years and Peter Capaldi (malcolm) played the twelfth incarnation of The Doctor. He's such a phenomenal actor, well worth checking out


Another fantastic episode. A lot of series, even ones which i'm a big fan of, tend to have 'filler' episodes which are of lower quality and skippable. It's testament to the quality of the writing that that cannot be said about 'the thick of it'. Each episode so far has been of really high quality with great re-watch value.


I kinda feel the same about never wanting to work in politics...apart from that time where I wanted to go into it just to be a playground bully to the Conservative party members in parliament... like shoving reese moggs head down the toilet and flushing it or doing an its always sunny in philadelphia and refering to Priti Patel as a bitch or a giant bird but then I realsied I'd be under inquirey if that happened and I could see my poltical career ending with me punching a jorunalist.


She really is terrible though. At almost everything, especially public speaking. I sometimes think 'how could she have possibly reached such an elevated state in a national government?' and then I think about someone like Liz Truss, who is so charmless and stilted and terrible at public speaking and yet due to some kind of multiversal spacetime tear managed to be prime minister for a few picoseconds last year. People like her are just as incompetent as Nicola - more so - but they got to where they are due to sheer bloodyminded determination. So the part that is unrealistic about Nicola making it so close to the top isn't that she's so incompetent and appalling at communicating. It's more that she doesn't have that bloodyminded, psychotic ambition and drive that - with people like Truss - compensates for all the other inadequacies.


My sister was a civil servant in the foreign office for three or four years after Brexit, dealt with the constant chopping and changing by various moronic Tories of the approach to the European Union. She was profoundly disenchanted with just how meaningless it all was when she would spend months preparing a report on the impact of leaving the EU on something like foreign aid - the sector she was interested in - only to see the government render it useless by completely changing their approach at the last minute. That happened all the time apparently. She worked in Whitehall and saw the Goves and Raabs coming and going every day, so she was like a much younger, much more efficient Terri. If there was an equivalent of Malcolm she never mentioned him, but then the foreign office is a bit more rarefied than Nicola's office, a bit less toxic and a bit more stable from moment to moment. Also if there ever had been anyone like Malcolm she'd have kicked him in the balls, quite hard, that's my suspicion.

Michael Harrop

Yeah Liz Truss is a good comparison, with the exception that Nicola is a decent person trying her best, her best just isn't very good haha.

Sean Riley

Josh I highly recommend watching the US version in your off time (as I can never see it even enter let alone win the polls), as it's very much the same set in a VP offices. Honestly Veep is up there with 30 Rock, Curb.. (it's created and run by many off the UK staff kinda)


Still think it was some clogup in the Matrix. If ever someone asks for proof we live in a sim it's that she was PM.


Malcolm's such a fascinating character. They all are really, but seeing him react like that to Terri was unexpected. You're expecting him to burn the room down and instead he shows a bit of vulnerability. This is why I think Succession would actually make for a good show here. It's basically The Thick Of It with very rich people. I think we'll have to wait until more Brits have seen it though, it doesn't have many fans on this channel.


I'd like to see it win here but yes it's got the same problem Succession has - not enough British people have seen it and given the demographics of this channel it's therefore not got much chance. But for what it's worth you have a second person who'd vote for it. We're up to two.


sounds like you're more suited to US politics

Kiwi Tau

And youre probably breaking the Official Secrets Act by telling us, or at least she telling you?

David Lyons

Make that three! My rebuttal to all the naysayers who said 'Josh wouldn't get it, you have to know UK politics' when The Thick of It first entered the poll was always 'I don't know much about US politics, but I think Veep's great!'


Late watch :) but I felt Melcome took her into that room and shouted and vented aboit nothing. 1 he respected her forstanding up to him and 2. To save face couse on the outside it looks like he is going nuclear on her.