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Hey, folks please read this before you post a question. There's a chance I have already answered the question here or in a previous post, links are at the bottom.

You are allowed to vote on more than one show. Please pick all of the shows you would like to see.

Top 5 Shows from the Previous Poll

  • The Mighty Boosh-21 Episodes-83 Vote
  • Man Down 26 Episodes-82 Vote
  • Thin blue line-14 Episodes-76 Vote
  • Toast of London-19 Episodes-71 Vote
  • This Country-19 Episodes-64 Vote

The shows below were removed to make space for other requests. You will have a chance to vote on these shows in a future poll. They will take the place of the bottom show or shows from future poll results.

Shows added to this Poll

  • Whites 6 Episodes

Shows that will be added to the next Poll if a show receives fewer votes

  • Year of the Rabbit 6 Episodes 6 votes
  • Back 12 Episodes 7 votes
  • Human remains 6 Episodes 8 Votes
  • Mum 18 Episodes 9 Votes
  • Murder Most Horrid 24 Episodes 13 Votes
  • Dead Pixels 12 Episodes 12 votes
  • The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret 18 Episodes 12 votes
  • Catterick 6 Episodes 14 Votes
  • How Not To Live Your Life 20 Episodes 14 Votes

Below is the list of shows that were not added to the poll because they were too long. Remember these shows will have their own polls when Inside No 9, Men Behaving Badly, or Taskmaster ends.

Shows that were suggested but didn't meet the 26 episodes or less requirement.

Rising Damp 28 Episodes

Coupling 28 Episodes

Fresh Meat 30 Episodes

The Good Life 30 Episodes

Butterflies 30 Episodes

Bad Lads Army 32 Episodes

People Just Do Nothing 32 Episodes Counting 5 Episode web series

Misfits 37 episodes

Plebs Episodes 38 Episodes

Outnumbered 40 Episodes

What We Do in the Shadows 40 Episodes

Monty Python's Flying Circus 45 Episodes

Ideal 53 Episodes

Goodnight Sweetheart 59 Episodes

Steptoe and Son 57 Episodes

Two pints and a lager 80 Episodes

Not going out 83 Episodes

My Family 120 Episodes

Remember if it's a sketch show or has more than 26 episodes it will not make it to the poll. There will be an opportunity to vote on longer shows when Men Behaving Badly, Taskmaster, or People Just Do Nothing ends.

If you have more questions, please use the 8 links below to read the previous poll posts.

Previous Five poll posts.








Team Nighty Night 4LYF 🤟

Sean Riley

6 months I've been asking for Derry Girls or Summer Heights High! (I've never seen one person request Whites whatever that is)

(Just) Steve

With "Man Down" being so close in the last few polls it's going to be a travesty if it doesn't win this time round!


I have no idea how the the system works, and many requested shows are ignored. Perhaps Josh only responds to direct messaging, or requests via other social media channels? If you are reading this, Josh, an explanation would be greatly appreciated?

Sean Riley

I try not to complain because I don't want to pressure Josh and just under a lady a month for so much content is a bargain but he's replied but after so long I don't know how many ways I can ask (and I know he'll absolutely love it). Oh and I remember Whites, it was a mediocre BBC comedy that was completely forgettable (unlike Roman's Empire RIP) and I don't understand how it got so much traction. Regardless thanks for the support

Colin Bayley

He definitely has a core group he listens too more than the rest of us. Series do appear on the list's that immediately disappear the next time the list is posted so someone has more of an influence than the majority. I tried to highlight this on the last poll.


Please choose something good like man down , after life , this country 🙏🙏😂😂


I thought there had been a few requests to see Flowers in this poll

Austin Stratton

It MAY be because Summer Heights high could be described as a sketch show as one person plays all the characters.. it was the same reason Come Fly With Me wasn't on these polls and was on the other.. this poll doesn't allow sketch shows as it states in the desc.. Personally I wouldn't consider it a sketch show but I can see why it might be seen as such..

Austin Stratton

And I think that people that have been here longer would be listened to more.. If I was on Patreon and someone had been subbed for 3 years I would definitely listen to their suggestions over someone who had only been here a few months for example.. Something that had been suggested for years with the person requesting having waited a long time for it may get precedence.. not saying that is right or wrong, but I think I would and if Josh does, I think it's his prerogative..

Sean Riley

It's not a sketch by any stretch of the imagination, by that token League of Gentlemen is more a sketch show. Thanks for replying tho mate

Austin Stratton

I'm loving seeing Toast of London in 4th! I remember when it was added to the list ands it would get like 10 votes lol.. I thought it would never win.. I don't know what happened, I'm assuming people saw it on the poll and decided to give it a go and like it! I'm just dreading the whole 'your favourite show gets close then new stuff gets added next time sending it hurtling down the pecking order at a rate of knots'

Sean Riley

It's a name on a list and my push for The Italian Job got a lot of traction

Samuel Coghlan-White

As a boosh fan, I'm doing some serious edging waiting the announcement post




Mighty Boosh is televisual kebab meat, you need to be off your face to enjoy it. I'm amazed it's got so many votes being such a niche programme. My dream week of current or new reactions would be Man Down, PJDN, This Country, Taskmaster, Goodnight Sweetheart.