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Great episode. The woman being hunted plays the ghost in Being Human (UK version) which is my pick to hopefully be on the drama poll once Black Mirror has ended. I thought I recognised the woman 'helping' her and sure enough I saw her earlier in an episode of Friday Night Dinner as Adam's date who gets off with Johnny instead.


I find the interesting concept of this one to be the mind wipe. It touches on the concept of what actually are "we". If you take an awful person, and wipe all their memories and experiences that led to them being an awful person, then are they actually the same person?

Austin Stratton

This is one of the episodes I voted for Black Mirror for.. loved this story


For me the stand out feature of this episode is the nature of the punishment. When a punishment is as cruel and unusual as the one portrayed, it could easily be said that those carrying out the punishment are as bad as the one being punished. That they also have that level of evil within them. The only people I could excuse such behaviour from would be the family of the child, but even then realising that they had been driven to madness by grief and rage.


This and San Junipero are my fave episodes!!

danny gibson

Sorry to get political (and he's no hero of mine) but I reckon that Andrew Tate has been 'White Bear'd' by a lot of people in the 'witch hunt' part of this episode.


The past few years have proven to me that nothing has changed in society, we're still witch burning and blood thirsty.

Alex P

Oh come on, he isn't being psychologically tortured with zero awareness of why. I do agree that the media circus around it should be lessened though.


"Or maybe I should just shut up coz it's never that simple", great quote Josh, you're getting how you just don't know what's going to pan out in Black Mirror. (not that we'd ever want to you to shut up, your comments and insights are what make your reactions great).


LOL this show does throw you some wild twists. Thanks bud I appreciate that =]


Quite frankly, it terrifies and disturbs me how this world holds so many people who think that there is any kind of good in the theoretical concept of justice portrayed within this episode. Newsflash; it's not supposed to be a good thing. It's a horrible and scarily on point satire of the reckless vigilante "justice" which exists within today's world of social media. There is no justice portrayed within this episode. A group of blowhard, fame hungry arseholes have taken a criminal and commoddified her; they've built a literal theme park out of her crimes and have invited members of the public to boo and jeer, throwing tomatoes at her, like some kind of twisted pantomime. The people attending aren't angry with indignant rage; they're entertained. It's a "fun day out" for all the family. Supporting the concept behind this episode is akin to supporting the vigilante behaviour of online peadophile hunters. Anyone who's done their research into that particular group of tossers will know that their showboating arseholes. Yes, peadophiles who prey on children are vile and no, that does not excuse common thugs to act recklessly, endangering the lives of innocent people, all in the name of Internet clout, subs, likes and an unearned sense of moral superiority. Equally, the people watching the live peadophile sting videos aren't doing so out of rage and concern. They're doing so because it entertains them.


Oh and of course, the episode even goes to great lengths to not only point out that the woman didn't actually torture or kill the girl herself, but that there was reasonable doubt that she had been controlled by her ex and more to the point; she also has absolutely no memory of even filming it, nor the horrific act taking place to begin with. Again; where's the fucking "justice" in that?! I despair at the blood hungry nature of mankind, I really do. Y'all haven't evolved one iota from the torch wielding mob of medieval times.

Tuts Tut

"The degree of civilisation in a society is revealed by entering its prisons." Dostoyevsky