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As always I would love to read your comments below


Red Dwarf


Gareth Hood

First it seems Have grown up with this show and glad it’s back on form Loving it all over again with Josh’s reactions 😂

Manly Stump

I think you can take the "spoiler alert" section out now, haven't seen you post any comments under it for ages 😜🤣

Gareth Hood

Enjoying Rimmer outshining Dave in an episode about Dave and his dad 🤣

Adam C Turek

"Kryten, I'm pulling Rank!" Rimmer said it best, everyone loves a bastard. Apparently Craig Charles had the flu during his drunk dad video scenes, probably aided his performance.

Ryan Lynch

Game where you can drive and shoot... Starsky and Hutch on PS2. One person drives, player 2 shoots. Or do both if skilled enough. And you could make your license plate read whatever you wanted (no swear words).


Decent episode, upturn in quality with this season. That Chinese whispers joke though...tortuous lol


Agreed. It's a big problem for me with all of the Dave era Red Dwarf episodes (Back to Earth aside); the people in the audience are sycophantic fans who are overly keen to howl at laughter for anything the cast say or do. It can be pretty annoying to listen to when watching these latter day episodes.


Oof, yeah. I can't stand the whole Chinese whispers subplot. Awful. One of the things I really admired about Red Dwarf up until this point was how the show stars two black actors and two white actors and yet, race had never been brought up, not even once, almost suggesting that in the future racism won't even be an issue, which was a kind of lovely utopian unspoken message. Then Doug Naylor went and put in a terribly unfunny sub plot about racism and Chinese whispers into this episode, ruining it all. Such a shame. The scene of Lister talking to himself as his own Dad is great though, so swings and roundabouts.


The first instance of a game where you can both drive with a steering wheel and shoot with a lightgun that I can think of is 1993's arcade title Lucky & Wild.

Austin Stratton

Damn, Lister SHOULD have come back in with his guitar.. that would hav ebeen amazing.. the writers 100% missed a trick there.. nice one Josh Xd


Although they didn’t laugh at the frame size or that’s not a man it’s lister joke which were funnier than some of the stuff they were laughing at

David Lyons

Not sure if you were already aware of the (arguably outdated) game name of Chinese Whispers, as in America I believe it's simply known as the Telephone game. Always makes me think of the 'purple monkey dishwasher' bit on The Simpsons!

Craig Burns

I was thinking exactly the same as you about the 36ds hahaha


Also wanted her to be blond and she was NOT blonde lol


Yes, Skinner says the teachers will crack any minute purple monkey dishwasher. god I love that joke. Also, the 'let's agree to disagree;, 'I don't agree to that'/'neither do I' bit. I'm so glad The Simpsons decided to go out on a high and simply stopped making episodes once season 7 was over. Or at least that's what I believe after my Eternal Sunshine memory alteration procedure


I don't even think the joke was actually about racism. If it was it had nothing to say on the issue, unless the vending machine with the dodgy Chinese accent was some kind of ironic comment on lazy stereotypes. Which I doubt. I also loved that about Red Dwarf. There was something quietly idealistic about it, from its very first moments. That's why I've always enjoyed the first season. It's not afraid to clearly define where Lister stands in ethical terms. He gets to embody that idealism. A deeply moral character, at least for the first half of the show's run, he's a moral rock, and the way he approached the world in those early years of the show always felt like a consciously thought out philosophical stance on the part of the writers, like they wanted him to very clearly represent the way they felt about things. Then they can let Rimmer and the Cat be selfish and awful, and screw things up through their shite behaviour. But Lister is always the moral core.

Ian Richards

Me and my mates have had a similar private joke for years about the entire Simpsons cast and crew being lost without trace in the Bermuda Triangle, though we're a bit more generous with when it happened: as far as we're concerned, after the Behind the Laughter episode in season 11!

Ian Richards

I did watch series 10 when it was first broadcast, but it was a bit of a turbulent time for me so I probably didn't pay it as much attention as I should have. Either way, it's been a pleasant surprise on this second viewing to see just how sharp and funny it is; "Never mind 'us'! What about *me*?" is such a classic Rimmer line, you can almost feel the clock turning back on two long decades as Chris Barrie delivers it. I also found myself thinking the same thing that others have mentioned above about this being the first Dwarf episode to allude to racism in any way, even just as a subject for a few gags. Although the TV version never did much in the way of worldbuilding, the Red Dwarf books made it clear that in contrast to Star Trek (which took a "post-racial" attitude in a consciously utopian way), the universe in which Dave Lister joins the Jupiter Mining Corporation is a fairly grim, semi-dystopian, Blade Runner-esque world where the giant conglomerates have had their way: the rich get richer while the poor clean the nozzles on chicken soup vending machines. And while there's clearly a class system in this world - it forms at least part of Lister's antagonism with Rimmer - there's a strong sense that skin colour is irrelevant to these characters, not because humanity as a whole has got better (which is the idealistic Star Trek philosophy), but simply because ordinary working joes have decided they've already got enough to put up with, and turning against each other over something so superficial would be beneath them. It's a small and arguably more realistic ray of optimism than the full-on Trek approach, and even just as an excuse for a few quick jokes, it still feels like mentioning racism traded away a tiny bit of Dwarf tradition in a series that otherwise does a grand job of living up to the golden years.

Mr Kitty

Where Lister returns into the ship is from "2001: A Space Odyssey", the computer itself is a version of Hal 9000 from that movie.