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An American Werewolf In London R 1981 HorrorComedy

Today I will be reacting to - Thank you for watching folks make sure you subscribe to my channel for more reactions. Also, click the link below to subscribe to my other channel as well 🔻Click Below to subscribe it's Free !!!🔻 https://www.youtube.com/c/Afterworkreactions?sub_confirmation=1


Michael Harrop

Rik Mayall was an extra in the pub at the beginning, he wasn't famous when they shot the movie. But the Young Ones came out before it was released and he became well known. When the movie premiered the director was shocked why this extra got such a huge reaction 😂

Richard M

I don't think that is true because The Young Ones was first broadcast well over a year after An American Werewolf in London was released in the UK.

Keith Pratt

This was written by John Landis at the time of Rik Mayall's death; "Very very sad to learn of Rik Mayall's passing. Frank Oz and I saw him and Adrian Edmondson at the Comic Strip while I was in pre-production on 'An American Werewolf in London' and they were extraordinary. He did not believe me at first when afterwards I offered him a part. I just remember how excited Rik was to be in a movie and how good he was even in such a small role. It was no surprise to me he went on to The Young Ones and a brilliant career. A great loss of a truly gifted man." - John Landis, June 9th, 2014 He no doubt saw a performance of The Dangerous Brothers which Rik and Ade started doing in 1980.


JOSH: Actors in this film who you've seen in shows you've reacted to in the past... Jenny Agutter as Nurse Alex Price (played the psiren disguised as Kryten's creator in Red Dwarf) Brian Glover as pub patron who tells the Alamo joke (played Richie and Eddie's neighbour in the 'Gas' episode of Bottom) Rik Mayall as pub patron who spits out drink when laughing (plays Richie in Bottom)


Wow! I wasn't aware he was in it. I've only seen this film once when drunk with friends 15 tears ago. I'll look out for him this time.

David Szoke

In the 80's when I was a teen, that shower scene was worn out on the vhs tape and a contributing faction to a loss of bodily fluids.

Andy Farmer

Josh, Mr Morris would have hated taking that tube carriage - all those punk rockers ;-)

(Just) Steve

Josh: - As you're a Sci-Fi fan, other than Bottom you've probably seen Brian Glover (the guy in the pub telling the Alamo joke) in Alien 3 as the "leader" of the criminals. - Showering with women made me think of Weird Science (1985), have you ever watched it? - Did you notice that the taxi driver was Alan Ford/Brick Top from Snatch? Other random thoughts: - If some locals told me to stick to the road, I wouldn't wander off across the moors on a foggy night with no idea where i'm going! - Sadly, i've never been seen to by a nurse as pretty as Jenny Agutter who's then invited me back to her house. :( - Jack's makeup is fantastic, I can't help but always look at that little bit of flappy skin hanging off his jaw. - Best werewolf transformation scene ever!

(Just) Steve

I remember when Logan's Run was shown on BBC2 on a Saturday afternoon and they obviously didn't realise there was Jenny Agutter nudity! It certainly raised my... eyebrows.


Good film with John Landis doing wonders at the time with transformation make up etc... but especially the comments Josh was making through out the movie had me cracking up eg when David ask the nurse do you live by your self and Josh imitates his creepy gesture had me rolling Lol


Great reaction, but It's a little sad how relatively nonplussed you were over the effects, which were jaw dropping back in the 80's. Much as I think decent CGI is a great thing, it has completely destroyed the magic that practical effects brought to older pre CGI movies. I always found it similar to that wonderment you get from seeing a magic trick in real life, yet these days with CGI you can do anything, so it loses so much impact. I don't blame any of the younger generations for being dismissive or non impressed with practical effects, but movies like American Werewolf in London were amazing because of the shock effect they had. Seeing them through modern eyes is definitely going to be a less enjoyable experience.


Love these cult classic horrors. Have you ever seen Tremors, Josh? That's really good. Be good see that again here

Keith Pratt

Remember in the feature length Only Fools episode To Hull and Back when Del rents the boat? The bloke he rents the boat from is the same actor who plays the truck driver who's giving David and Jack a lift, right at the start of the film. https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0067643/?ref_=ttfc_fc_cl_t1


Also the Taxi driver Alan Ford was in Snatch etc


The guy at 6:48 is the neighbour from the the Bottom episode, Gas.

Sam Reeves

Josh, don't let the pub scene put you off visiting us up here in Yorkshire. We're actually a very friendly bunch! 😆

Sam Reeves

I assume the 'nice try' is reference to me deleting the thread? Well I did that Daniel because I said everything I wanted to say and saw no reason for anyone else viewing the comments to be subjected to this inane back-and-forth you appear so committed to.


Oh that's why you deleted the thread? Of course! Silly me. Nothing to do with hiding the evidence of your bullying then... Weird how you deleted it all (including my replies) but reposted the original comment (a lie) as soon as you believed I'd gone! Very sneaky, sly and deceptive, and not becoming of a "friendly" guy is it Sam? For the record (which you'll likely delete again) I hope Josh does visit Yorkshire it's truly a beautiful place with wonderful people, you're just not one of them Sam as you well know. You're pitiful... (P.S. Why don't you delete this thread again and repost your original comment a third time. Lies work better when you have nobody who knows the truth to call you out) I can't believe you just said that! That's awful. Careful Sam, you're meant to be a "VERY friendly" guy remember... 😉 I'll ignore his replies to tell you all the truth. To everyone else reading this, some context: (although he'll likely delete it as the truth hurts) Sam might be portraying the friendly guy here but on past threads he has shown bullying behaviour towards myself and others. I called him out on his behaviour and that's how it started. I've seen him around since and ignored him most times, but when he posted the LIE to Josh about him being a "very friendly" guy I had to call him out. It's laughable. Like a school bully pretending to be nice to the teachers... There's the "inane" context :) I'm legit leaving soon I have jobs to do, so I wonder if this will be deleted again when I return...hmmm. Gotta hide that evidence right Sam! (which will only prove me right anyway)


Sam Reeves is NOT a "very friendly" guy that was a lie by him. He's a bully who deleted his comments to manipulate you to think he's friendly and attacks those who call him out. He has supporters who support his bullying who heart his comments also without caring about what he's done. Sam Reeves and another contributed to myself having suicidal feelings and depression. He enjoyed causing misery and now pretends to be a nice guy. Thankfully most on Patreon are truly kind and benevolent and genuinely supported me but others like him and his supporters are not kind and have no idea the impact they're causing. Even now he's either in denial or is just a REALLY bad person to take no responsibility and apologise for his words and actions that made me feel suicidal, and continues to gaslight me and carefully craft and edit his messages so the other Patrons think he's a good guy. SHORT message = good guy LONG message = bad guy...........right? Not everyone is who they seem online. And yes, I'm fully aware I must look "crazy" as I have several long messages, but that's the difference between a cocky gleefully smug bully over a depressed, suicidal bullied victim. Shame on those also that "heart" him without understanding what he's done or any of the context, you must support bullies. I called him out, I'll call you out too. If not justice for me, then justice for others. Lastly a massive thank you to Josh and the many Patrons here who have showed me nothing but kindness and warmth, you made my life better. Thank you.

Sam Reeves

4 replies, Daniel? 4? That's insane. And yes, that's absolutely the reason I deleted them. I'd made my point and didn't want this nonsense staining the comment section once again. But if you insist, I'll keep them up this time.


I've put the writings in this thread above all into 1 above so that makes less replies. Are you happy now? Seeing as the number of replies somehow invalidates my view... So manipulative "very friendly guy" like that makes any difference... Nice job gaslighting me you very friendly guy. You had 4 or 5 replies too, but you deleted them, remember? That's the really insane part, you trying to make me look insane by deleted your comments. In real life arguments aren't confined to small reply box windows. 4 in this case is so it's not 1 long wall of text writing legitimate information. I take it if someone argues with you for more than a few sentences in real life you tell them to their face "10 replies, that's insane" Another lie. You deleted them to hide the evidence, otherwise you would have deleted them FULL STOP and not reposted the original comment that made me want to reply to you in the first place. You're manipulative and cunning, you know what you're doing. The only reason there is such a stain on this comment section is because you've bullied in the past and now claim to be a "very friendly guy". That's a LIE.


Reply 2 (which apparently makes me wrong somehow) This "man" called Sam Reeves and another contributed to myself having suicidal feelings and depression. He enjoyed causing misery and now pretends to be whiter than snow. Thankfully most on Patreon are truly kind and benevolent and genuinely supported me. Even now he's either in denial or is just a REALLY bad person to take no responsibility and apologise for his words and actions that made me feel suicidal, and continues to gaslight me and carefully craft his messages so the other Patrons think he's a good guy.

Sam Reeves

As I've said Daniel, I deleted my original comment in order to remove the whole thread of silliness. I then reposted it because it was the comment I wanted to post. Also I noticed you deleted your 'Nice try' reply, who's the one deleting comments now? I'm going to stop replying now because this clearly isn't helping anyone. I sincerely hope you get the help you need.


This whole "thread of silliness" is because you lied about being friendly after you'd bullied me and others. You and that David guy nearly got me to commit suicide. YOU. Don't lie to me you evil bully. You know EXACTLY what you did and you can delete or keep what you want I don't care I just want the truth posted next to your lies. ***Actually Mr very friendly guy I never deleted ANY messages unlike you damn Patreon did that for me for some reason and I'm very mad about it because I was proud of that message. If you have the "nice try" message you can repost it here word for word I'd like it back here.*** Don't try and get clever with me if I delete a message I own up to it like you did! Damn you're evil and manipulative. Want me to get suicidal again is that your plan Sam Reeves? I imagine you've never said sorry your entire life...


To answer each of your points: "I deleted my original comment in order to remove the whole thread of silliness." - LIE. It was to delete the evidence. Also my legitimate comments are silliness but yours weren't when you bullied me? "I then reposted it because it was the comment I wanted to post." - LIE. Not only did that comment lie you were friendly and cause me to write in the first place, but you wanted the inconvenient truth of your deception hidden from view of others. Also you WANT to post lies? "Also I noticed you deleted your 'Nice try' reply, who's the one deleting comments now?" - LIE. I swear on my own life that I never deleted ANY messages to you Patreon did it (too many spelling edits, add ons maybe) "Who's the one deleting comments now?" - My my, you really are repulsive and cocky... "I'm going to stop replying now because this clearly isn't helping anyone. I sincerely hope you get the help you need." - ERM... maybe you can help me AND help yourself by being an actual nice person and apologising for bullying me those weeks back and not lying to Josh about you being a "very friendly" guy. YOU are the reason I'm here. YOU can also be the reason I leave. Own up to your mistakes, you're having a massive impact on my mental health.


@Sam Reeves No apology and people seemingly agreeing with you, the bully. Makes me lose faith in humanity. I'm sure they gathered in school chanting "fight, fight, fight" when they were younger. I'm extremely fragile, worn out, depressed and suicidal today thanks to you Sam. I've written your name on a piece of paper "Sam Reeves on Patreon from Yorkshire" so if I do anything stupid today they can read all my chats dating months back to see why. Now you can ruin someone else's life too and delete the evidence afterwards "for fun" Thanks a lot Sam Reeves, Merry Christmas....


I'm having a mental breakdown. I can't cope. Please someone help me. It's all too much. What should I do? My family need me. My grandfather is so ill and I'm so scared and frightened for him.


I'm having a mental breakdown. I can't cope. Please someone help me. It's all too much. What should I do? My family need me. My grandfather is so ill and I'm so scared and frightened for him.


you say, he was a bad dude for not sticking around and helping out his friend, but realistically, what could he do? They were backpackers in a foreign country, and got attacked by a monster, I think kicking it was not really the best option, and i guess all of us in that situation would do the exact same thing. But yeah that asside, this film came out in 1980 and the practical effects, specifically the transformation won tons of awards because there was no CGI back then it was all practical. Film still scared the shit out of me as a kid and gave me nightmares for years afterwards.


@Sam Reeves @Daniel without taking sides, I sincerely hope you both stop this now, as It's getting very ugly. It seems like it's becoming a situation where no one is in the right or wrong, it's just turning into this perpectual back and forth, where you're both baiting eachother into arguments. Unfortunately in defending Daniel in the past, I'm guilty of fuelling the ugliness with backhanded criticism of Sam, so I apologise. Right or wrong it doesn't help does it? And to Daniel, it's clear from your comments that you're going through a bad time. You really need to stop putting so much focus on how Sam or this group perceives you or him, because we're all just strangers to eachother. If you feel you've been bullied, the best thing to do is step back and ignore Sam's comments in future. Regardless of how you feel you've been treated, it will make things worse if you keep trying to pursue an apology or try to "out" Sam as a bully. You also have to allow others to form their own opinion on how they see Sam, and allow others to "heart" up one of his comments without forming the opinion that they're taking sides. Much as it might piss you off, you have to remember that many patrons here aren't bothered about the social aspect of the forum, just comments they agree with. If you need help, call the Samaritans and speak to your GP a.s.a.p. as you're clearly not coping very well at the moment. I don't think anyone would assume you're crazy or a bad person for what you've said on this forum, but by responding and reacting to Sam (and other's) comments is just creating further problems for you. All the best to the both of you, and apologies if any of this comes across as patronising or condescending.


This inspired Michael Jackson Thriller video. Same director


You didn't even notice rick mayal in the pub at the beginning? And the bald guy telling the story was the neighbor in bottom in the "gas" episode too.


Lol im high as shit right now and your comments have me in stiches xD agree with the shower thing , its like trying slide a piece rubber into another piece of rubber lmao xD