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December-5th-Bottom Live: The Big Number 2 Tour Video 1995 1h 50min 142 Votes

December-12th-An American Werewolf in London R 1981 ‧ Horror/Comedy ‧ 1h 37m 79 Votes

December-19th-Dirty Grandpa R 2016 ‧ Comedy/Sex comedy ‧ 1h 49m 78 Votes

December-26th-Withnail and I R 1987 ‧ Comedy/Buddy ‧ 1h 48m 76 Votes



Wow, by a miracle, Withnail finally scraped in. Looked like it was gonna be another loss in the poll this morning as was several votes behind


Howd Bottom get nearly twice as many votes as the 2nd place movie? People realize you can vote for more than one thing right?


Dirty Grandpa is the obligatory "why? Mother of God, whyyyyyyy?!" monthly pick. The rest are excellent though.


So glad you’re watching Bottom 2. IMO the best of the live shows.


Heeeeyyyy! Withnail, finally! Good on you guys, you're a good bunch! American Werewolf was a film my dad loved and showed me when I was little, I'll enjoy rewatching that. And we used to watch the Bottom live shows together too. Dirty Grandpa not so much but that's the way things go. 3 out of 4 watchable(one highly watchable) is a good hit rate.


Wow, what a decent movie month... Must be Christmas! I've never seen Dirty Grandpa, but I'm open to a bit of low brow comedy. Snobs be damned! I hope Withnail and I hasn't been too hyped up to Josh by this group, as It's definitely a movie that reveals its charms slowly, and is more rewarding on subsequent viewings. Overhype generally leads to disappointment, so I hope Josh goes into it with an open mind.

TC Elba

real shame, in the loop was looking like it would be chosen. hopefully next month


I think most people probably know that they can vote for more for one thing. I can't speak for others but for me sometimes there's only one option on the list that I really want to watch so only vote for that particular show or film.


I agree about Dirty Grandpa, on the plus side once it's been reacted to I won't have to see on the list anymore and it can be replaced (hopefully) by a much better movie


So happy Withnail finally got in 👏🏻 I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll make of it Josh. It's one that if you don't love it right away, it's worth revisiting yourself in the future IMO.


Yay Withnail finally! 😊 I was starting to lose hope ;) Very happy with this months films. Never seen Dirty Grandpa though, not heard good things about it. But Bottom and Withnail 👌 and it's been ages since I saw American Werewolf so look forward to revisiting that.


When will Ghostwatch be added to the list?


When will Noel's House Party be added to the list?


That's kinda the problem with Withnail and I being a pick for a reaction video; it's not a film which particularly endears itself to first time viewings. A lot of the jokes and subtleties fly over people's heads on a first viewing. Rather, it's a film which reveals its rightful place as a masterpiece upon subsequent viewings.

Sam Reeves

Fully aware I'm flogging a dead horse here but I still can't wrap my head around 78 supposed comedy fans seeing it fit to subject you to Dirty Grandpa. Accounts should be suspended immediately!

Jade Nepia

start your own patreon and see how many people flock to see your opinion

Alexander Bond

It's a bizarre poll really, such a wide variety of movies got picked from really crass mainstream to the cultiest and old classics.


"Snobs be damned!" I love it! So accurate. A couple of these "snobs" are actually both team-bullying me below this. You can't negotiate with bullies sadly. Looking forward to Withnail and I never seen ANY of these movies but this one sounds good :)

Sam Reeves

“Forgot all about it" Then voted for it again 😆 Pull the other one mate! 😂


@Sam Reeves Ah welcome Sam, the other bully. Now you can both attack me from both sides 2-1! How clever. What you and David fail to comprehend is that you've both willingly misread and misunderstood my words to suit your little bully attack. YES, I forgot all about it, aka the initial vote weeks/months ago and moved on with my life. until... Josh posted the movie poll again. I saw it, voted for it remembering you both for 2 seconds, and again moved on (as you'll see I never commented as I didn't read them) Then finally today I'm scrolling through my feed and see the December winners. I then remembered and looked down through the comments thinking "No way will they BOTH still be here moaning, and to my utter shock, here you BOTH, STILL are. I can see it now, August movie poll, with you both STILL in the comments moaning about the movie Josh watched waaaaaaay back in December lmao


@David Holgate Haha you are such a bully! Admit it. Here you both are teaming up against me 2-1. You must be loving this! I'm not the brightest am I? That's rich coming from you. Tell me the part I've edited and changed, I wish I could tell you the part you deleted to hide the evidence, but you deleted it so.... Even if I had edited anything (which I haven't) it's not ok in your book to edit but it's ok to full on delete your own comment? That's one weird rulebook you follow.

Sam Reeves

Daniel, you chose to respond (in paragraphs, no less). You can't turn around and play the victim now.


Sam, yes I chose to respond (in paragraphs because there is SO much wrong with yours and David's words and conduct) But you chose to come back here and moan AGAIN about the movie when you had your say like I did weeks back. You're both the ones who came back to whinge again. Bullies always use the "playing the victim" card to try and shrug off their guilt and the truth to being bullies. "I still can't wrap my head around 78 supposed comedy fans seeing it fit to subject you to Dirty Grandpa. Accounts should be suspended immediately!" That's what you wrote, FIRST before me, weeks after you should have moved on and gotten over it. But here you are AGAIN insulting 78 random people. Ironically had you come back (still very sad) and just complained about the film without bringing Josh's patrons in to it, I wouldn't have responded to you.


@Evil Bully David... Funny how someone who's concerned about me calls me a "creepy stalker", using "blatant lies" (where? proof please) "madman" "someone on dependancy" "fix your IQ" "snowflake projection techniques" Aww your concerned about me words show clearly David, if only I could "become a better person." like you so clearly are after EVERYTHING you've said to me. .... Read your own comments David, you're NOT a good person at all, neither is Sam. That's the God honest truth. P.S. Never lied, never edited, fighting 2 bullies I'm pretty proud of myself.


To everybody else reading this thread, I'm so sorry you had to endure this it's never nice when people behave like this. Like and dislike whatever you want, but never bully other people for it. Thank you to Josh and the 99% of Patrons here who make this a warm, friendly community to be in 🥰, sadly there will always be the 1% who bully and you either have to ignore them or challenge them. 😥 Take care everyone else and have a great Christmas season :) 🎅🎄


@David Holgate I will respond to each of your points without being vile to you like you are to me; I'll be the better person. I'm creepy for some reason? Yet you've emulated my last comment which was meant for everyone else not you... and that's not weird and creepy? Self-awareness please... I'm a psychopath apparently. Turns out standing up to bullies makes you a psychopath... that's new on me. You can apologise for your own behaviour, but you make no apologies for me, this thread is littered with your abuse. Do your apologies apply to the 77 low IQ average voters too? I may have issues I may not, again you don't know me personally, nor do I know you. If I have issues, then you certainly do you have a lot of bully-like hatred inside you projecting onto me and others. I'm a nutcase too apparently (add it to the list of insults this bully has hurled at me) Wilfully ignore the truth I told you to aid your false point, I said I forgot about the movie and poll weeks ago and moved on until it came up again in which I remembered it after forgetting it for weeks. Voted and moved on no comments until I saw you and Sam had NOT moved on and were here AGAIN insulting people. That's very easy to understand but please continue with your blatant lies to make yourself look clever. Very odd I am too (add to list) I edited my comment apparently but after asking David to provide proof or tell me what I supposedly edited, he fails to give me an answer. I asked him and reminded him he deleted his comment weeks back when he got a (deserved) backlash from other Patrons. FYI never edited anything, but when he loses an argument he simply lies and bullies. "Called out" by the same 2 bullies (David and Sam) who bullied me weeks back too, being "called out" by bullies doesn't mean anything David.... especially when you won't tell me what I apparently edited... 99% of the people here have been great, and I get along with most of them. Read your own comments David, get some self-awareness and look at the hundreds of different things you called me without knowing me. My words to you were based purely on what I'd seen. You just make things up. Stalker (again lol) even though my last comment was a final address to everyone else and he HAD to write back emulating me (called me a "snowflake" too among 1000s of insults despite him clearly being the "triggered" one here....) "Loves to insult personally"...... erm..... have you even seen your own comments, David? Jesus get some self-awareness will you please bully... I'm either a very poor troll apparently (not a troll, just standing up to bullies) or I need to be locked up (LMFAO... seriously...) for the crime of standing up to a bully being evil to me and 70+ of Josh's other patrons. I also obviously (I mean obviously right guys lol) have a low IQ while of course (obviously) David has an extremely high IQ and is a great person and NOT a bully (sarcasm - wrote in brackets due to my very low IQ) Last point you made is I'm dangerous. The truth of the matter is I'm not dangerous and likely neither are you or Sam, but the truth is you are a bully David. Sam is also a bully. And if you continue talking to people and about people the way you do, you can turn people towards depression, suicidal thoughts and help make their lives worse. Do one thing if you're capable, read your own comments and ignore mine. Do your comments fill you with pride? No, they are the words of a nasty vile bully, and that is what you are David Holgate, a bully (or cyber bully) That's every point you just made answered. Now let's see who the real stalker is...

Sam Reeves

Ok Daniel, no one wants to see War & Peace clogging up the comments. So let's draw a line under it here. I admire your dedication to white-knighting for everyone, so props to you! But really, if you set the bar for bullying as a few cheeky comments on a Patreon comment section (*cough* which you chose to reply then played the victim *cough*), then you really must have lived a charmed life, and all the best should you ever enter the real world.


I didn't vote for Dirty Grandpa so I must be a bully apologist hah. Still, the other 3 are all good picks which ain't bad for a democracy. Might give Dirty Grandpa a go to see just how bad it is. Let's have Dirty Grandpa added to next month's poll for the sake of epic arguments (joke). Although if it had knocked out Withnail & I due to trolling then I'd be annoyed.

Sam Reeves

@Toby At this point I can definitely imagine all the noise about Dirty Grandpa having the 'Streisand effect' 😆 Ah well, at least then everyone will see what I'm talking about! 😂


YouTube comment section is thataway guys


@David... Can't be bothered reading all that, but CAN be bothered to reply with a long message of your own... If you truly had a life you wouldn't have been here in the first place regurgitating the same bile you wrote weeks back, you'd have gotten over it, and you certainly wouldn't be STILL replying to me in such a triggered manner. And you call me unhinged? Do you have a little book of insults as you've called me at least 100 different things now it's almost laughable. I'm a clown now too apparently make your mind up I was Kathy Bates earlier... Karens are evil creatures I think you fit that bill much more than I do. Karens refuse to accept any wrongdoing or responsibility for their actions (aka David Holgate Mr innocent and hands clean who's done nothing wrong - newsflash - you have) "I'm only vile to people" glad you admit it, but there's no excuse for being vile. If I was vile like you believe then surely you'd be the better person and not be vile back? Again I have NOT edited anything and you again refuse to tell me what exactly I edited out. Truth is I called you out on your awful behaviour weeks back and you got defensive as bullies hate it when they're called out. I may have called you out and messaged you first, true, but you were vile first and continue to be far more vile than I could ever be. "You keep coming and looking for me!" You flatter yourself I was simply reading the comments and there you both were, sad as ever regurgitating the same old shit over that shit film you did weeks back, and you say you have a life! Don't make me laugh! Finally abusing you with personal insults!? You are kidding right? You could probably take 2 or 3 words I've called you in comparison to the hundreds of names you've called me. Denial much? P.S. You started the ENTIRE thing by being vile to Josh's patrons you didn't agree with, all I did was stand up for them. YOU started it those weeks back and you've continued it here.


@Sam Reeves "white-knighting" as you put it is simply me standing up to bullies. Nothing more, nothing less. You and David are bullies, simple. You can deny it all you like. "few cheeky comments" or "banter" or "only having a laugh" yeah yeah heard it all before just another way to get away with casual bullying. "on a Patreon comment section"... yeah it's called "cyber bullying", something common sadly on social media platforms and this is no exeption. (*cough* which I chose to reply TRUE then [became] the victim through bullying messages back *cough*) I've lived a life being respectful and treating people with respect, something yourself and David never learnt in school. I will admit one thing though, you're not as bad as David, but that's not saying much as he's admitted to being vile to someone whom he believes is unhinged and mentally damaged and has issues.


For context everybody, the first ever comment I saw David write was this; "It is utter squalid trash and really makes me question the IQ and age of people here!" my first ever message/reply to him was; "@David Holgate I've never seen the movie, but please don't insult people here with their IQ and age. Comedy is subjective and people enjoy different things. You don't like it, that's fine, but others do clearly. No need to get nasty to random people. Thank you." and his response was; "Daniel... If you like Dirty Grandpa, you have a low IQ... It's not an insult if it is a fact 😁 going off some of the comments and voting in here, I'm not far off with my assumption." See? JUST. PLAIN. NASTY.


LIST OF DAVID'S WORDS TO ME; average voter low IQ not the brightest you've edited it (lie) look stupid a fool creepy stalker jibberish/ramblings blatant lies madman someone on dependecy can't fix your IQ snowflake creepy psychopath Kathy Bates impersonator issues nutcase very odd stalker very poor troll needs to be locked up very low IQ (again) dangerous don't have a life madman/madwoman (again) clown karen unhinged bizarre nervous breakdown creepy weird sinister +more words in a comment he deleted after a backlash on the FND 3x3 thread Wow that's a lot of names you've called me David for being such a nice person...


A massive thank you to Josh for reacting to these movies and shows, and a thank you to his Patrons for supporting him and each other here. A lot of good here if you look beyond the bad. Hope you enjoyed Bottom, it's one of my all time favourites! So funny. Thank you Josh and everybody, hope you have a nice Christmas, I won't. Goodbye :)


P.S. Yes I am having a nervous breakdown and quite depressed thanks to David Holgate and Sam Reeves. That's what bullying does. If God forbid I'm ever driven to suicide, which I have contemplated many times in the past, both of your names will be added as contributing factors to my death for my family to see. How dare you both. Sam Reeves and David Holgate


Hey Dan, if you need to talk, let me know. It sounds like you're having a particularly shitty time of it. Don't let it get you down chum, hang in there :)


Thank you Saul Till, I appreciate that so much, how kind of you. I'm a nervous wreck at the moment I've been crying most of the day with some dark thoughts. I love Josh and most of the people here they're a good bunch. But enough is enough, I will continue to support Josh he's an angel but I should take a leaf out of his book and stay out of things. Sometimes doing the right thing is incredibly hard, best just to turn a blind eye for your own sanity :) Have a Merry Christmas Saul Till, your kind words and support have truly relieved some of my stress today, be proud of yourself :)


Woah Dirty Grandpa is truly awful 😄 Should get some stand up live shows on the poll.


in the rest of the polls i was voting that dirty grandpa as i thought it was johnny knoxville for some reason , maybe because of the part in jackass 2.0 haha, after reading about it i feel bad for voting Lol 🤨


You were thinking of the Johnny Knoxville movie Bad Grandpa, which is excellent. Dirty Grandpa on the other hand is utter dreck.

Jade Nepia

oh dirty grandpa, all this time i had bad grandpa in my head


Great schedule, although I dunno Dirty Grandpa. Maybe it'll be Victor Meldrew at a strip club


More like Robert De Niro slumming it for an easy paycheque.

Ash Jeffries

Another film nomination for you Josh - "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". Older English stalwart cast including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Tom Wilkinson, Penelope Wilton, and with Dev Patel (most famous for Slumdog Millionaire probably). Very funny, very touching, altogether wonderful and one I think you'd really enjoy. 🙏


Have you ever seen The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy movie?


Also it'd be cool to see you watch the second Mr. Bean movie, Mr. Beans Holiday at some point just another suggestion for the movie poll